kuringo's Blog



2013年11月09日 20時05分07秒 | 日記


pound :何度も強打する、激しく[ドンドン・バンバン]打つ[たたく]
NOAA :National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration●《米》国立海洋大気庁
landfall :〔台風の〕上陸、陸地接近
infrared image :赤外線映像
swirl :渦巻く、グルグル回る、跳びはねる
immediate needs :日々の糧、実需
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Daily Routine

2013年11月09日 12時16分48秒 | 日記
Push-ups:17+17+17 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been two years and 336 days in a row since I kicked smoking.
I kept three sets of 17-time push-ups for the second successive day and over one
set of them for the twentieth consecutive day.
I've not done jogging-on-the-spot these several days and I really hope to resume
it as soon as possible.....with a strong will.
I'm tentatively planning to reprovision my PC next Wednesday ...if I have enough time.
But I do wonder why windows 8.1 cannot make a re-set-up media....This means....
when I reprovision my PC, I always have to download 8.1 after I re-install 8.
Isn't it pretty troublesome?
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