

日本 サーバリックス後白血病 17歳

2019-03-30 | 24.5歳の検証

VAERS ID:609283 (history)  
Form:Version 1.0  
Vaccin­ation / Manu­facturerLot / DoseSite / Route
Administered by: Other       Purchased by: Other
Symptoms: Acute lymphocytic leukaemia, Acute myeloid leukaemia
SMQs:, Haematological malignant tumours (narrow)
Life Threatening? No
Birth Defect? No
Died? No
Permanent Disability? No
Recovered? No
Office Visit? No
ER Visit? No
ER or Doctor Visit? No
Hospitalized? No
Previous Vaccinations:
Other Medications: No other medications
Current Illness: Unknown
Preexisting Conditions:
Diagnostic Lab Data:
CDC Split Type: JP2015JPN128703
Write-up: This case was reported by a consumer via licensee and described the occurrence of acute myeloid leukaemia in a 17-year-old female subject who received CERVARIX. In September 2012, the subject received the 1st dose of CERVARIX (intramuscular). In October 2012, the 2nd dose was an unknown dose. In March 2013, the 3rd dose was an unknown dose. In 2014, several years after receiving CERVARIX, the subject experienced acute myeloid leukaemia (serious criteria hospitalization and GSK medically significant). In 2015, the subject experienced acute lymphocytic leukaemia (serious criteria hospitalization and GSK medically significant). On an unknown date, the outcome of the acute myeloid leukaemia and acute lymphocytic leukaemia were not recovered/not resolved. It was not reported if the reporter considered the acute myeloid leukaemia and acute lymphocytic leukaemia to be related to CERVARIX. From June 2014 to July 2014, the subject received inpatient treatment for the diagnosis of leukaemias acute myeloid. In 2015, leukaemias acute myeloid recurred. Acute lymphocytic leukaemia was diagnosed. As of 08 September 2015, the outcome of the leukaemias acute myeloid and acute lymphocytic leukaemia was unresolved. The subject was on inpatient treatment at the time of reporting.


2019-03-29 | 資料
サイモン・シンを訴えたのは、全英カイロプラクティック 協会

Summary of the Defamation Act 2013
The aim of the Bill is to reform the law of defamation to ensure that a fair balance is struck between the right to freedom of expression and the protection of reputation.
 The Bill makes a number of substantive changes to the law of defamation, but is not designed to codify the law into a single statute.
Key areas
  • includes a requirement for claimants to show that they have suffered serious harm before suing for defamation 原告は重大なダメージを受けていること
  • removes the current presumption in favour of a jury trial
  • introduces a defence of "responsible publication on matters of public interest" 
  • provides increased protection to operators of websites that host user-generated content, providing they comply with the procedure to enable the complainant to resolve disputes directly with the author of the material concerned
  • introduces new statutory defences of truth and honest opinion to replace the common law defences of justification. and fair comment. 真実と正直な意見の防御


2019-03-28 | 資料












例えば、ワイス社の内部レターには、小児科学会誌に投稿する論文にてんかんが7500人に1人発症するというデータがあったが、この論文は投稿を中止するようにと指示されていた事実が示されている。 (論文の著者James Cherry)





(以上の話しは、弁護士がオーティズムワンの会議で述べたことで、弁護士の名前は MikeHugoです)


2019-03-27 | 資料









PLoS One. 2019 Mar 4;14(3):e0212927. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212927. eCollection 2019.

Effect of the bivalent HPV vaccine on viral load of vaccine and non-vaccine HPV types in incident clearing and persistent infections in young Dutch females.



HPV vaccination with the bivalent vaccine is efficacious against HPV16 and 18 infections and cross-protection against non-vaccine HPV types has been demonstrated. Here, we assessed (cross-) protective effects of the bivalent HPV16/18 vaccine on incident and persistent infections and viral load (VL) of fifteen HPV types in an observational cohort study monitoring HPV vaccine effects.


Vaginal samples were obtained annually. Type-specific VL assays were developed for HPV6,11,31 33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59 and 66 and used in addition to existing HPV16 and 18 assays. Rate differences of incident clearing and persistent infections were correlated with differences in VL and vaccination status.


HPV16/18 vaccination resulted in significantly lower incidence of HPV16/18 infections and significantly lower VL in breakthrough HPV16 (p<0.01) and 18 infections (p<0.01). The effects of vaccination on non-vaccine type VL were ambiguous. Incidence and/or persistence rates of HPV31, 33, 35 and 45 were reduced in the vaccinated group. However, no significant type specific VL effects were found against HPV31, 33, 45, 52 in the vaccinated group. For HPV 6, 59 and 66 no significant reductions in numbers of incident and persistent infections were found, however borderline) VL reductions following vaccination were observed for HPV6 (p = 0.01), 59 (p = 0.10) and 66 (p = 0.03), suggesting a minor effect of the vaccine on the VL level of these HPV types. Overall, vaccination resulted in infections with slightly lower VL, irrespective of HPV type.


In conclusion, vaccination with the bivalent HPV16/18 vaccine results in significantly reduced numbers of HPV16 and 18 incidence rates and reduced VL in breakthrough infections. Significant reductions in incident and/or persistent HPV31, 33, 35 and 45 infections were found, but no significant effect was observed on the VL for infections with these types. For the other non-vaccine HPV types no reduction in incident and/or persistent infections were found, but overall the VL tended to be somewhat lower in vaccinated women.


2019-03-27 | 資料

(1)1947年~ 狂犬病ワクチン後の神経疾患 白木先生の講演

(2)1948年 京都・島根ジフテリア事件 

(3)1975年 全菌体百日咳ワクチン接種後の死亡事故

(4)1989年~ MMRワクチンのウラベ株による無菌性髄膜炎

(5)1994年~ ゼラチン含有ワクチンによるアナフィラキシー

(6)2004年 マウス脳由来日本脳炎ワクチンによる急性散在性脳脊髄炎

(7)2010年~ 子宮頸がんワクチンによる自己免疫脳症・神経症候・HANS

(8)2011年 ヒブ・肺炎球菌ワクチンを含む同時接種後の死亡


2019-03-27 | 資料







On a meeting of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) on March 16, 2016, Dr. Shuichi Ikeda, a MHLW appointed principal researcher who investigates adverse events of HPV vaccines, presented shocking mouse experiment data regarding the HPV vaccines, with the media present. He showed a slide with the brain sections of a mouse marked “HPV” glowing in green florescence, emphasized with a white circle. Dr. Ikeda was the Dean of the Medical School of Shinshu University, as well as the university’s Vice Chancellor at that time.

In the interview shown on the same night at the popular TV news programme “News 23”, appearing with the illustration of injected mice and photos of brain sections, he said: “Apparently, the brain is damaged. It shows the objective findings common to the girls complaining of brain damage”.

According to Dr. Ikeda, when mice were given a flu vaccine, a Hepatitis B vaccine, and an HPV vaccine, only the brain section of the mouse vaccinated with the HPV vaccine ten months later showed a “deposition” of an abnormal auto-antibody.

Many Japanese believed that the government finally found scientific evidence for serious side effects of the HPV vaccines.

A single mouse experiment?

After months of investigation, I found the researcher who designed and performed the mouse experiment. What he told me was even more shocking than Dr. Ikeda’s presentation.

According to the researcher, first of all, the number of mice used for each vaccine was only one. He had injected vaccines into genetically modified mice that produce auto-antibodies naturally, just by aging for a few months. He sprayed the blood serum taken from these special mice, full of auto-antibodies, to the brain sections of the normal wild-type mouse and took pictures.

Of course, there were brain sections which showed green florescence sprayed with blood serum from the mouse given other vaccines, too. Moreover, the vaccine dose given to the mice was, in relation to their body weight, one hundred times that normally given to humans. I called Dr. Ikeda’s presentation a “fabrication”.


2019-03-26 | ガーダシル症例






Head Neck. 2019 Apr;41(4):E59-E61. doi: 10.1002/hed.25572. Epub 2018 Dec 27.

Human papilloma virus-associated squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx in an 18-year-old woman.



Human papilloma virus (HPV)-associated malignancies are considered to be sexually transmitted diseases.


We report a HPV-positive larynx cancer in an 18-year-old female clarinet player, despite vaccination with the quadrivalent HPV-6-11-16-18-vaccine Gardasil (Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., West Point, Pennsylvania). The patient showed no evidence of genito-oral infection but showed some evidence for oral-oral HPV transmission through the sharing of saliva-infested clarinet mouthpieces. A right vocal cord lesion of benign appearance was removed via free margin resection.


Histopathology revealed a microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma inside a zone of high-grade dysplasia that was positive for HPV-45. No tumor recurrence was observed during a 4-year follow-up evaluation.


Benign lesion appearance and quadrivalent HPV vaccine status do not exclude HPV-associated malignancies. In our patient, the Gardasil vaccine did not provide crossover protection against HPV 45 infection. HPV-associated disease may not necessarily be transmitted via sexual practice patterns alone.


2019-03-25 | 糖鎖


Anaphylaxis after zoster vaccine: Implicating alpha-gal allergy as a possible mechanism


To the Editor: In the Southeastern United States galactose-a-1,3-galactose(alpha-gal) sensitivity has emerged as a cause of red meat allergy that is causally linked to bites from the lone star tick.1 Alpha-galsensitivity often presents with delayed anaphylaxis after con-sumption of red meat, with lesser degrees of reactivity to milkand gelatin. Gelatin and other nonprimate mammal–derived products are common excipient ingredients in several vaccines,2,3andit has been postulated that patients with alpha-gal allergy mightreact to these vaccines.4 A patient in our clinic with a documented history of red meat allergy since November 2008 required emergency department treatment and epinephrine administration on receipt of live


2019-03-25 | 糖鎖




Change in gelatin content of vaccines associated with reduction in reports of allergic reactions

Anaphylactic reactions after administration of measles, mumps, and rubella combined vaccine were first identified as gelatin allergy by Kelso et al.1 Beginning in 1993, anaphylactic reactions were increasingly reported after administration with gelatin-containing vaccines in Japan.2, 3, 4 IgE antibodies against gelatin were detected most frequently from patients with anaphylactic reactions and less frequently from those with urticarial eruptions.4 We analyzed the prior immunization history of acellular pertussis vaccine combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DTaP) among patients with gelatin allergy and suggested that the gelatin-containing DTaP may have a causal relationship to the development of gelatin allergy.4 Among 6 manufacturers of DTaP in Japan, two have never used gelatin in the production vaccine. The remaining 4 manufacturers no longer use gelatin, and since February 1999, all DTaPs used in Japan are free of gelatin.

The current measles vaccine contains human serum albumin, gelatin, or both as a stabilizer. Kitasato has chosen to produce live attenuated vaccines by using gelatin as a stabilizer to avoid the potential risk of pathogenic contamination in human serum albumin. Concern over gelatin allergy, however, led Kitasato to change the gelatin from native bovine gelatin to hydrolyzed modified porcine gelatin (Prionex; Pentapharm Corp) in 1998. Prionex gelatin, porcine skin collagen hydrolyzed in the low pH solution and treated at 145°C for 1 hour, showed lower binding activity to IgE antibodies against gelatin (data not shown). Measles and mumps monovalent vaccines with Prionex were introduced in September 1998.

We analyzed the postmarketing clinical adverse reactions before (June 1994-August 1998) and after the introduction of vaccines with Prionex (September 1998-December 1999). The results of the number of reported patients with allergic reactions are shown in Table I.


2019-03-24 | vCJD






If vaccines are safe why did the UK recall their polio vaccine?

The UK recalled the Evans/Medeva Oral Polio Vaccine in October, 2000. This vaccine has never been licensed for use in the US. The Medicines Control Agency (MCA) had requested and received assurances from drug companies that they were implementing guidance not to use UK-sourced bovine materials in the manufacture of injectable medicinal products. The recall was prompted by evidence that the Evans/Medeva vaccine was manufactured using fetal calf serum from the UK at a time when there was a risk of BSE in that country. This is in contravention of European Union guidelines. According to a statement from the Chief Medical Officer at the UK Dept. of Health (10.20.00) the company had assured the MCA of the UK that UK-sourced bovine materials were not used in the manufacture of the vaccine. However, these assurances were inaccurate, thus the vaccine was withdrawn.



What was the concern in the Republic of Ireland about polio vaccine and vCJD?

In December, 2000 the Irish Government issued a statement indicating that an oral polio vaccine distributed in 1998 and 1999 in Ireland had been manufactured using human serum albumin from a pool of donors, one of whom had since been diagnosed with vCJD. Evans/Medeva manufactured this oral polio vaccine. This vaccine is not licensed for use in the US.


2019-03-22 | 資料

















2019-03-21 | 資料






Thanks to John Stone for raising the issue of long term MMR vaccine safety.

Almost 50 years after the introduction of the MMR vaccine, I was the first to describe the role of GAD65 containing chick embryo cell culture contamination of the MMR vaccine in causing type 1 diabetes (T1D). [1–3]⁠ GAD65 is of course a major autoantigen in T1D. What does that tell us about current vaccine safety systems?

As expected, the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) vaccine, another GAD65 containing chick embryo cell culture contaminated vaccine, was found to significantly increase risk of T1D. [4⁠]
This problem is identical to the Pandemrix induced narcolepsy [5]⁠ disaster – a case of molecular mimicry between a non-target protein in the vaccine and a self antigen, resulting in an autoimmune disease.

DeStefano et al. reported T1D odds ratio for MMR vaccine is 1.36, Hib is 1.14, Varicella is 1.16. Patterson et al. reported T1D odds ratio for tetanus vaccine is 1.57 and diphtheria is 1.27. [6]⁠

Assuming 90% vaccine uptake and calculating the number of cases for the US population of 320 million, we get ~1 million cases of T1D. Estimated total for T1D cases from American Diabetes Association is 1.25 million. So epidemiological studies show that the vast majority of T1D cases in the US were vaccine induced.

Szumilas [7]⁠ points out that, “In practice, the 95% CI is often used as a proxy for the presence of statistical significance if it does not overlap the null value (e.g. OR=1). Nevertheless, it would be inappropriate to interpret an OR with 95% CI that spans the null value as indicating evidence for lack of association between the exposure and outcome.”

As described above, DeStefano et al. [8]⁠ inappropriately dismissed their MMR/T1D OR=1.36 (0.70-2.63) finding, due to this common mistake in interpreting the statistics. The consequences are devastating.


2019-03-20 | 論文



Case 1 in the above study

“Case 1: Serum IgE values (in IU/mL)

8 months-old total 61.4, peanut 13.6, almond 4.04, milk 3.84, egg 2.01, soy 1.6, and wheat 0.98,

12 months-old total 44.1, peanut 11.2, almond 1.54, milk 2, egg 1.71, soy 1.62, and wheat 2.2

After the 12 month-old labs were drawn, she received the vaccines Prevnar13, hepatitis A, MMR, and Varicella

12.7 months-old total 75.6, peanut 16.5, almond 2.18, milk 5.06, egg 3.4, soy 3.64, and wheat 3.75.


Prevnar 13 contains casamino acids (cow's milk derived) and soy peptone broth.

Polysorbate 80 from EMD Millipore may contain wheat proteins.

Polysorbate 80 is present in many vaccines including Prevnar 13.

MMR contains chick embryo culture proteins


“Case 2:

12 months-old total 21.1, egg 1.16, and peanut, milk, wheat, soy, cod, and shrimp <0.1

he received Prevnar13, MMR, and Varicella

13 months-old total 23.8, egg 4.02, and peanut, milk, wheat, soy, cod, and shrimp <0.35 “


MMR could have been the cause of the increase in egg IgE.


This latest evidence adds to the solid body of scientific evidence,[2]⁠ demonstrating a causal relationship between food protein contaminated vaccines and the development of food allergies.