


2017-08-31 | 論文
この論文では、HPV-16, -18, -31, -52, -58型で調べているが、
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2013 Feb;23(2):235-43. doi: 10.1097/IGC.0b013e31827da1f6.

L1 gene methylation in high-risk human papillomaviruses for the prognosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

Author information

Section of Translational Research, Hyogo Cancer Center, Akashi, Japan.



The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical significance of DNA methylation of the human papillomavirus (HPV) genome as a prognostic biomarker for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).


Clinical samples (paraffin-embedded tissues obtained by conization/hysterectomy or initial punch biopsy) were collected from patients at the Gynecologic Oncology of the Hyogo Cancer Center with informed consent. We evaluated the methylation status of the L1 gene of the HPV genome by bisulfite sequencing, calculating the methylation ratio (L1MR) as (number of methylated CpGs in the analyzed region of the L1 gene) / (number of all CpGs in the analyzed region of the L1 gene) × 100. The methylation analysis and in situ hybridization were performed with serial tissue-section slices.


DNA methylation was observed in the L1 gene, but not in the long control region of HPV-16, -18, or the other high-risk HPV types including HPV-31, -52, and -58. L1MR was associated with the CIN grade; the median L1MR was 2.3%, 11.2%, 35.2%, and 50.0% for CIN1, CIN2, CIN3, and squamous cell carcinoma, respectively. L1MRs also seemed to indicate physical status (integrated or episomal form) of the HPV genome in the host cell. L1MR of the progression group was significantly higher than that of the regression group.


L1MR was associated with the CIN grade and indicated the HPV genome status in the host cell: high L1MR indicated HPV genome integration linked to progression from early-stage CINs, whereas low L1MR indicated an episomal HPV genome location in host cells. L1MR may be a prognostic indicator of CIN.


2017-08-31 | 論文




J Clin Virol. 2013 Sep;58(1):149-54. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2013.06.026. Epub 2013 Jul 17.

Methylation of human papillomavirus-52 and -58 is a candidate biomarker in cervical neoplasia.

Author information

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Keio University, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan.



Previous studies of human papillomavirus (HPV)16/18 genome methylation have concluded that methylation status of the L1 gene might act as a biomarker for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).


We investigated the correlation between methylation status in the L1 gene and the long control region (LCR) of HPV52/58 and CIN.


Exfoliated cervical cells were taken from 54 HPV52-positive and 41 HPV58-positive women. The HPV genome was examined using bisulfite modification, polymerase chain reaction amplification, and sequencing.


The CpGs were unmethylated or hypomethylated in the HPV52/58 LCR. In contrast, the methylation status of the HPV52 L1 gene was correlated with the severity of cervical neoplasia, with average percentages of 15%, 34%, and 52% for cervicitis/CIN1, CIN2, and CIN3, respectively (P<0.05). Methylation status of the HPV52 L1 gene was also correlated with the prognosis of CIN1/2, with median percentages of 15% and 35% for regression and persistence/progression, respectively (P<0.05). The methylation status of the HPV58 L1 gene was correlated with the severity of cervical neoplasia, with average percentages of 12%, 38%, and 61% for cervicitis/CIN1, CIN2, and CIN3, respectively (P<0.05).


The increased methylation at the CpG sites in the HPV52/58 L1 gene was correlated with the severity of cervical neoplasia, similar to HPV16/18 in previous studies. These data suggest that HPV methylation status of the L1 gene is a candidate biomarker of CIN for detecting CIN2 and CIN3.


2017-08-30 | ブログ
Infect Agent Cancer. 2017 Aug 4;12:44. doi: 10.1186/s13027-017-0155-4. eCollection 2017.

Whole-genome analysis of human papillomavirus genotypes 52 and 58 isolated from Japanese women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive cervical cancer.



Human papillomavirus genotypes 52 and 58 (HPV52/58) are frequently detected in patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and invasive cervical cancer (ICC) in East Asian countries including Japan. As with other HPV genotypes, HPV52/58 consist of multiple lineages of genetic variants harboring less than 10% differences between complete genome sequences of the same HPV genotype. However, site variations of nucleotide and amino acid sequences across the viral whole-genome have not been fully examined for HPV52/58. The aim of this study was to investigate genetic variations of HPV52/58 prevalent among Japanese women by analyzing the viral whole-genome sequences.


The entire genomic region of HPV52/58 was amplified by long-range PCR with total cellular DNA extracted from cervical exfoliated cells isolated from Japanese patients with CIN or ICC. The amplified DNA was subjected to next generation sequencing to determine the complete viral genome sequences. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with the whole-genome sequences to assign variant lineages/sublineages to the HPV52/58 isolates. The variability in amino acid sequences of viral proteins was assessed by calculating the Shannon entropy scores at individual amino acid positions of HPV proteins.


Among 52 isolates of HPV52 (CIN1, n = 20; CIN2/3, n = 21; ICC, n = 11), 50 isolates belonged to lineage B (sublineage B2) and two isolates belonged to lineage A (sublineage A1). Among 48 isolates of HPV58 (CIN1, n = 21; CIN2/3, n = 19; ICC, n = 8), 47 isolates belonged to lineage A (sublineages A1/A2/A3) and one isolate belonged to lineage C. Single nucleotide polymorphisms specific for individual variant lineages were determined throughout the viral genome based on multiple sequence alignments of the Japanese HPV52/58 isolates and reference HPV52/58 genomes. Entropy analyses revealed that the E1 protein was relatively variable among the HPV52 isolates, whereas the E7, E4, and L2 proteins showed some variations among the HPV58 isolates.


Among the HPV52/58-positive specimens from Japanese women with CIN/ICC, the variant distributions were strongly biased toward lineage B for HPV52 and lineage A for HPV58 across histological categories. Different patterns of amino acid variations were observed in HPV52 and HPV58 across the viral whole-genome.

2 ALS Cases May Be Linked to Gardasil Vaccine

2017-08-29 | 資料




Researchers Believe Cervical Cancer Vaccine Could Be Linked to Cases of Lou Gehrig's Disease


Oct. 16, 2009 (Baltimore) -- Researchers believe that there may be a link between a vaccine against cervical cancer and a rapidly progressive, fatal disease in two young women.

Both the timing of the symptoms and autopsy results “suggest a link between” the Gardasil vaccine and the fatal cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, says Catherine Lomen-Hoerth, MD, director of the ALS Center at University of California San Francisco Medical Center.

With only two confirmed cases, “we don’t know for sure if it’s coincidence or if they’re connected [to the vaccine],” she tells WebMD. “We hope that by raising awareness, we will become aware of any other cases."

Pam Eisele, a spokeswoman for Merck & Co., which makes the vaccine, says the company cannot comment specifically on the cases as it has not seen the data.

“However, after carefully reviewing all the information available to us about reported adverse events, including reports of deaths, Merck does not believe these events have been caused by Gardasil,” she says.

The vaccine has been given to more than 7 million girls and young women nationwide.

Gardasil and ALS: Jenny’s Story

The tragic story of one of the girls, Jenny Tetlock, is chronicled on “Jenny’s Journey,” a web site created by her parents to publicize her case and get others with similar symptoms to come forward.

The first sign that something was wrong was when 14-year-old Jenny tripped on a hurdle that others in her class cleared easily, according to the web site. That was just months after her third and final booster Gardasil shot, Lomen-Hoerth says.

The disease rapidly progressed; both her legs, and then her arms became weak, Lomen-Hoerth continues. Jenny began to limp and had trouble gripping objects. She felt pins and needles in her feet, and her muscles atrophied, she tells WebMD.


Within a year, Jenny was paralyzed, a quadriplegic breathing only with the help of life support. She died shortly afterward, Lomen-Hoerth says.

Throughout the course of her illness, Jenny’s mind was as sharp as ever, she adds.

The other patient, a 20-year-old, developed similar symptoms within four months of her first Gardasil shot, Lomen-Hoerth says. The disease followed a similar course, and the girl died 28 months later.


Rapidly Progressive Course

In addition to the short time span between vaccination and the onset of symptoms, several other factors made the researchers suspect a link to Gardasil vaccination, Lomen-Hoerth says.

In both young women, the disease progressed more quickly than typical for young ALS patients, she says.

Additionally, at autopsy, “we were surprised that the spinal cord was so inflammatory. That is very different from what we normally see in ALS,” she says.

The pathology features “all support a temporal association between [the illness] and vaccination,” Lomen-Hoerth says.

She spoke at the annual meeting of the American Neurological Association.

Because it is extremely rare, affecting just one in 2-3 million young people, there are very few studies of juvenile ALS, Lomen-Hoerth says.

Her team plans further study comparing the symptoms and pathological features of young adults with ALS who got the Gardasil vaccine to those who didn’t get the shots. “If the features are identical, then we’ll know [the vaccine] is not the cause,” Lomen-Hoerth says.

In the meantime, she and colleagues have met with scientists from the FDA and CDC to scour their adverse-event database, called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), for any other reports linking ALS to Gardasil or other vaccinations. “So far, we haven’t found any,” she says.

Merck is also continuing to work with the CDC and FDA to monitor any adverse events that may have been caused by the vaccine, according to Eisele.

Yadollah Harati, MD, a neurologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, says the findings raise a red flag.

The fact that “the postmortem studies show distinct immunological features different from what is typical of ALS” suggest an association between vaccination and ALS, he says.

“I will be asking any of my young patients with ALS whether they received the Gardasil vaccine,” he tells WebMD. “I have one 20-year old ALS patient, and we didn’t think to ask that.”





2017-08-28 | ブログ


But there is some upside for GSK. According to the bidding price GSK has reached with several provincial authorities, Cervarix costs 580 Chinese yuan per shot, meaning the three-jab regimen amounts to 1,740 Chinese yuan ($260). Patients will be paying slightly more than that after additional fees. Gardasil, though not yet launched in the country, has reached the price of 798 Chinese yuan per shot, or about 38% higher than that of Cervarix, with some local governments.





2017-08-28 | ブログ


Nevertheless, at least for now, there's one thing that Cervarix could differentiate itself from Gardasil in China, and that's approved target age groups. CFDA approved Cervarix for immunization in women ages 9 to 25, but Gardasil's current approval is for females ages 20 to 45, different from its U.S. FDA's approval for those 9 through 26. Given that the primary target group in most of the countries recommending HPV vaccination is young adolescent girls aged 9 to around 14 (before they're sexually active), Cervarix could offer more potential. But it's likely that Gardasil will seek approval expansion.





2017-08-23 | 資料






横山 和正, 服部 信孝:神経疾患におけるワクチンの功罪. 順天堂醫事雑誌 60 (2014) Suppl.2 p. s53-s59


審良静男らが明らかにしたDNAワクチンのメカニズムは,まずDNAの右巻きの二重らせん構造(B-DNA)が細胞内でTank-Binding Kinase 1(TBK1)という酵素(シグナル伝達分子)を介して自然免疫系を活性化することで,ワクチンの内因性アジュバントとして作用するということである.また,DNAワクチンの効果のうち,抗体の産生のためには樹状細胞などの免疫細胞でのTBK1依存性の自然免疫活性化が重要で,T細胞による細胞性免疫の活性化のためにはDNAを取り込んだ筋肉細胞などの非免疫細胞でのTBK1の活性化が重要であるとしている.このような報告事実から抗原特異的療法による免疫の制御は非常に難しく,どの抗原をいつどのようなルートで投与するかはまさにギャンブルといっても良いかもしれない.やめどきを含めて評価と選択が重要である.


2017-08-21 | 資料

















2017-08-13 | 資料



Here is a short video of Jy after soccer practice. He also thought his teacher gave another kid preferential treatment, but he misunderstood. He is recovering from Bickerstaff Brainstem Encephalitis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving the flu mist.

Jy 君は、フルミストワクチンの後に、ビッカースタッフ型脳幹脳炎とギランバレー症候群を発症し、回復中ですが、情緒の問題があって、このビデオではサッカーの練習のあとに、先生が他の子をえこひいきしていると誤解して泣いている様子を映しています。

タイからのHPV副反応のニュース 全く異なる2つのバージョン

2017-08-09 | 資料


PHITSANULOK – Four Prathom 5 students were rushed to a hospital after they were given an HPV vaccination on Wednesday morning.(グレード5の生徒4人が、水曜日の午前中にHPVワクチンを接種した後、病院へ送られた)

Following the injection - said to help prevent the development of cervical cancer later in life - eleven girls developed tightness of the chest, palpitations and fatigue. (将来子宮頸がんの発症を予防する注射の後、11人の少女が胸苦しさ、動悸、疲労を訴えた。)

Medical personnel rushed to Ban Krang (Phra Khao Chaisit) School to give first-aid treatment, and four girls were sent to the hospital - one in a serious condition due to her chronic asthma. The girl was later reported to be recovering.  (救急車が呼ばれ、4人が病院に運ばれた。そのうちの一人は、慢性の喘息のため、重症である)

Charunee Nasorn, a senior nurse at Ban Krang health promotion centre, said the injection had been given to a total of 16 Prathom-5 students, 11 of whom developed symptoms.  She said that the centre had previously given the injection to students from another school with no adverse effects, and a doctor would need to investigate the cause of the symptoms. (看護師の証言:グレード5の生徒16人が注射を受け、そのうちの11人が症状を発症した。先に他の学校で注射をしたときは、副反応はなかった。症状の原因は医師により調査される必要がある)

Sasipa Phuthiladdawan, a teacher at the school, said the 16 students had received their parents’ consent to receive the vaccination voluntarily. (教師の証言:これらの生徒16人は、自発的にワクチンを接種するという両親の同意を受け取っている)



Schoolgirls struck by mystery symptoms – even before being vaccinated


Around Thailand August 09, 2017 16:10

By Mongkolchaowarat Tangmangmee
The Nation


Sixteen Prathom 5 schoolgirls experienced chest tightness, palpitations and fainting while being vaccinated against human papilloma virus (HPV) at Ban Krang School in Phitsanulok’s Muang district on Wednesday.


Tambon Ban Krang Health Promotion Hospital nurse Jarunee Nasorn confirmed that 16 students had developed the symptoms - 11 of whom had yet to receive the vaccine. 


Jarunee said her team had earlier vaccinated other students without any side effects or problems.


Most of the students recovered after receiving first aid, although three were taken to two hospitals. One of the three was said to have suffered an asthma attack.


The government HPV vaccination project covers about 400,000 Prathom 5 schoolgirls nationwide.

Starting this month, the project is intended to prevent cervical cancer, the second most common cause of death by illness in Thai women. 

Thailand has about 6,000 new cases of cervical cancer reported each year and the death rate is about 3,000 a year.

Medical staff are investigating the causes of the girls’ symptoms.


2017-08-07 | 資料












2017-08-06 | 論文


Shift in prevalence of HPV types in cervical cytology specimens in the era of HPV vaccination




ワクチン接種世代では、ワクチンに含まれているHPV16と18は減少していたが、HPV51 (13.83%), HPV56 (10.00%), HPV66 (8.72%)が増加していた。