

ガーダシル治験 日本女性(平均年齢23歳) 2006年から2009年まで実施

2016-12-31 | 資料


治験期間 30ヵ月

Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps)


   Gardasil  Placebo
Ovarian neoplasm 卵巣新生物 * 1     
# participants affected / at risk   2/480 (0.42%)   0/468 (0.00%) 
# events   2   0 
Cervix carcinoma stage 0 子宮頸癌ステージ0 * 1     
# participants affected / at risk   1/480 (0.21%)   0/468 (0.00%) 
# events   1   0 




Reproductive system and breast disorders  生殖器系および乳房障害

Cervical dysplasia 子宮頸部異形成 * 1     
# participants affected / at risk   20/480 (4.17%)   46/468 (9.83%) 
# events   20   46 

Unlike many countries, in Japan high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (eg, cervical dysplasia) are often treated in the hospital and are thus categorized as serious adverse events.









2016-12-30 | 資料


5 days after receiving the MMR shot, my then 4 year old grandson was hospitalized with nmda receptor encephalitis, he was perfectly healthy prior to that!


My daughter had a flu vaccination in January 2013 and became ill with Anti-NMDA Receptor Auto Immune Encephalitis within 6 weeks. I have always blamed the vaccine but it falls on deaf ears... one Neurologist said "one in a million chance"... How would they know?


返信:My daughter also had the flu shot along with the hpv shot the same day.


I truly believe that the HPV vaccine was the cause of of my daughters anti NMDA receptor encephalitis she became really ill after the third one but like yourself BA it fell on deaf ears


My daughter also was completely fine and 10 days after the third shot the seizures started and 10 days after that in a coma. She ended up with a pacemaker, Trache and feeding tube. Then she battled the next 2 1/2 years with this horrible NMDA . I also never tell people not to vaccinate but please do the research!!!!! I wish I did.


My son had the HPV shots and I think that it needs to be looked at for a cause of his autoimmune encephalitis



2016-12-30 | 資料

Classification https://www.med.upenn.edu/autoimmuneneurology/classification.html

Diseases of this type were first described in patients with known cancer, and given the description ‘paraneoplastic’.  However, a deeper understanding of the science found that these diseases can also occur in patients without cancer.  Additionally, identification of the pathogenic antibodies on a cellular level has led to a reclassification and renaming of many of these diseases.  Paraneoplastic is still sometimes used to describe these diseases, but we now tend to describe these diseases as antibody mediated neurologic diseases.   They are typically named according to the area of nervous system that is affected, the type of immune response, and/or the type of symptoms.  For example, the most common disease we study is "Anti-NMDAR encephalitis".  Where the prefix 'anti' refers to an autoimmune response against 'NMDA receptors' in the brain, which causes 'encephalitis' or swelling resulting in a disruption of normal brain signaling. 

The diseases below can be classified according to the patient’s specific set of symptoms or syndrome (see tabs to the left), or can be described using characteristics of the antigen on a cellular level (as is common in scientific literature).  The chart below also lists the most commonly associated cancers for each disease, but it important to keep in mind not all patients will have cancer. (表には、各疾患で最も頻繁にみられるがんを記載しているが、すべての患者にがんがあるわけではないことに注意する必要がある)


Predominant Syndrome
Type of Antigen
Associated Cancer
NMDAR Characteristic syndrome (see here) Synaptic cell surface Ovarian teratoma, Carcinomas
AMPAR Limbic encephalitis Synaptic cell surface Lung, Breast, Thymoma
GABAbR Limbic encephalitis Synaptic cell surface Lung, Neuroendocrine
LGI1 Limbic encephalitis, Faciobracial dystonic seizures Synaptic cell surface Thymoma


Encephalitis, Morvan Syndrome, Acquired neuromyotonia Axonal cell surface Thymoma
mGluR1 Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration Synaptic cell surface Hodgkin's lymphoma
mGluR5 Limbic encephalitis Synaptic cell surface Hodgkin's lymphoma
DPP6 / DPPX Encephalitis with nervous sytem and GI hyper-excitability Synaptic cell surface None
GABAaR Encephalitis with prominent seizures / status epilepticus Synaptic cell surface Infrequent
GAD65 Stiff-person syndrome, seizures, type 1 diabetes, encephalitis Intracellular synaptic Usually none
GlyR Stiff-person syndrome, PERM Synaptic cell surface Infrequent
DNER (previous Tr) Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration Cell surface  Hodgkin's lymphoma (high risk)
Yo (PCA-1) Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration Intracellular

Ovary, Breast, Gynecologic

Amphiphysin Stiff-person syndrome, encephalomyelitis, Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration Intracellular synaptic Breast, small cell lung cancer
Zic4 Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration Synaptic cell surface Small cell lung cancer
VGCC LEMS, Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration Synaptic cell surface Small cell lung cancer, lymphoma
Hu (ANNA-1) Encephalomyelitis, Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration, Sensory-predominant neuronopathy Intracellular Small cell lung cancer, other
Ri (ANNA-2) Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration, Brainstem encephalitis, opsoclonus-myoclonus Intracellular Breast, gynecological, small cell lung cancer
CV2/CRMP5 Encephalomyelitis, Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration, Chorea, Peripheral neuropathy Intracellular synaptic Small cell lung cancer, thymoma, other
Ma proteins Limbic encephalitis, hypothalamic, brainstem encephalitis, Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration (infrequently) Intracellular Testes, lung, other
D2R Basal ganglia encephalitis Synaptic cell surface Infrequent
Iglon5 Sleep disorder, Neurodegeneration Cell surface None


2016-12-30 | 論文

Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis after TdaP–IPV booster vaccination: cause or coincidence?


Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis after TdaP–IPV booster vaccination: cause or coincidence?
Caroline Hofmann • Marc-Oliver Baur • Horst Schroten
Received: 5 September 2010 / Accepted: 13 September 2010 / Published online: 30 September 2010

Springer-Verlag 2010

Dear Sirs,

Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is a recently described autoimmune disorder mediated by antibodies to the NR1 subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. It was first
recognized as a paraneoplastic syndrome in young women with ovarian teratoma [1]. Further studies have shown that about 40% of the patients with anti-NMDA receptor
encephalitis do not have a clinically detectable tumor, and men and children are also affected [2]. The mechanisms triggering the disorder, especially in patients without an
associated neoplasm are unknown. The high incidence of prodromal viral-like symptoms suggests a possible infection triggering the autoimmune response [3].

We report about a 15-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis after receiving a booster vaccination against tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis and polio (TdaP-IPV).


Within the first 24 h after the injection she developed a low-grade fever and general fatigue.


During the following weeks, her family observed an unusual need for sleep.


Psychiatric symptoms became apparent 5 weeks after the immunization and included disorganized thinking and hallucinations.


Within a few days she became increasingly agitated with orofacial dyskinesia, opistotonic posturing, and choreic movements of the upper extremity.


She grew unresponsive to verbal commands and required intensive care treatment due to autonomic instability.


The unique pattern of clinical symptoms led to the consideration of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, which was confirmed by the detection of anti-NMDAR antibodies in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. Other possible causes of encephalopathy including intoxication,infectious and metabolic diseases were ruled out; repetitive brain scans showed no abnormalities. After confirming the diagnosis, an extensive tumor search was performed without any proof of malignancy; biopsy of a prominent ovarian cyst revealed no teratoma.

The onset of prodromal symptoms shortly after the immunization is intriguing and suggests the vaccination as a possible trigger of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.


Neurological adverse events including autoimmune disorders have been discussed in literature for many years; a definite causal association between vaccination and disease was seldom established. For example, the 1976 swine influenza vaccine was associated with an increased frequency of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) [4]. A recent study about the safety of TdaP vaccination in adolescents revealed no increased risk of neurological adverse events [5], even though rare cases of GBS have been reported. To our knowledge, this is the first possible case of vaccination associated anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. Therefore, not only infectious agents and tumor antigens but also vaccines should be considered as a possible trigger of immune response in this recently described disorder.

Conflict of interest None.

1. Dalmau J, Gleichmann AJ et al (2008) Anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis: case series and analysis of the effect of antibodies. Lancet Neurol 7(12):1091–1098 C. Hofmann (&)
University Children’s Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany e-mail: caroline.hofmann@med.uni-heidelberg.de M.-O. Baur H. Schroten Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany 123 J Neurol (2011) 258:500–501 DOI 10.1007/s00415-010-5757-3

2. Vincent A, Bien CG (2008) Anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis: a cause of psychiatric, seizure, and movement disorders in young adults. Lancet Neurol 7(12):1074–1075

3. Florance NR, Davis RL et al (2009) Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis in children and adolescents. Ann Neurol 66(1):11–18

4. Toplak N, Avcin T (2009) Influenza and autoimmunity. Contemporary challenges


2016-12-29 | 資料





VAERS ID: 428197 (history)   Vaccinated: 2010-05-06
Age: 15.0   Onset: 2010-06-15, Days after vaccination: 40
Gender: Female   Submitted: 2011-07-27, Days after onset: 407
Location: Foreign   Entered: 2011-07-27

Symptoms: Asthenia, Ataxia, Blood lactic acid normal, Borrelia test negative, CSF oligoclonal band absent, Coordination abnormal, Demyelination, Diagnostic procedure, Dissociative disorder, Dizziness, Echocardiogram normal, Electrocardiogram normal, Electroencephalogram normal, Foot deformity, Gait disturbance, HIV test negative, Headache, Herpes simplex serology negative, Hypermobility syndrome, Laboratory test normal, Lumbar puncture normal, Malaise, Metabolic function test normal, Mitral valve prolapse, Muscular weakness, Myoclonus, Nausea, Nerve conduction studies normal, Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging brain abnormal, Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging spinal cord abnormal, Ophthalmological examination normal, Respiratory disorder, Sensory disturbance, Tremor


Write-up: This case was reported by a regulatory authority (# DE-PEI-PEI2011015611) and described the occurrence of possible dissociative disorder in a 15-year-old female subject who was vaccinated with CERVARIX (GlaxoSmithKline). On 6 May 2010 the subject received 1st dose of CERVARIX (intramuscular, unknown deltoid). On 15 June 2010, 40 days after vaccination with CERVARIX, the subject experienced dizziness, malaise and weakness. After two weeks the events were resolved. Second vaccination was performed with GARDASIL and the subject developed severe events including demyelination with hospitalisation. Follow-up information was received on 21 July 2011 via the foreign regulatory authority, including multiple hospital and examination reports. The case was upgraded to serious. Co-suspect vaccine included (non-gsk) GARDASIL, given on 20 July 2010. The subject''s grandmother had tremor. The subject had recurrent lung disorder in early childhood. Concurrent medical conditions included multiple allergies with allergic asthma since the age of 7 years. There was no concurrent infection or trauma. In June 2010 the subject had episodes of legs giving way and respiratory pause, nausea, weakness and coordination disorder. The episodes lasted for one week. In summer 2010 the subject had another episode with similar problems, lasting for more than two weeks. In October 2011 the subject developed headache, followed by another episode of leg weakness, without pain, dizziness or other neurologic symptoms in November 2010. There was no concurrent infection. Cardiologic examination on 15 November 2010 excluded vitium cordis and other cardiac disorders, but found discrete mitral valve prolapse. Orthopaedic examination on 18 November 2010 excluded abnormal spinal posture. The subject was diagnosed with hypermobility of the joints and flat-spread foot. The subject was hospitalised on 22 November 2010. At that time the subject showed distinct ataxia or gait uncertainty and leg tremor at both sides. Magnetic resonance tomogram (MRT) examination on 22 and 24 November and 08 December 2010 showed unclear changes of pyramidal tract, raising the suspect of demyelination disorder. There were no pathologic findings in MR spectroscopy and Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), no increase of lactate as sign for leukoencephalopathy with affection of brain stem and spinal cord, oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid were negative. In summary dissociative disorder was suspected. The subject was transferred to a rehabilitation unit on 15 December 2010. The report stated that extended examinations, including lumbar puncture, nerve conduction velocity, electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography, eye examination, tremor analysis and extended laboratory tests for metabolic parameters, Borrelia serology, Herpes simplex virus (HSV), HIV, Morbus Wilson and tumor genesis, were without pathologic findings. In rehabilitation, neuropsychologic examination showed no sign for dissociative disorder. Symptoms improved under physiotherapy. On 28 January 2011 the subject could be discharged. MRT and DTI control on 25 March 2011 showed no changes. On 25 May 2011 the subject was treated ambulatory because of another episode with gait and standing uncertainty. Since March 2011 the subject had additional hand tremor with arm myoclonia. This was independent from activity and daytime. Again dissociative disorder was suspected. Three psychologic examinations were without indication for psychogenic disorder. Another hospitalisation from 07 to 08 June 2011 followed due to sensibility disorder of the right thigh for two months, tremor of right hand and gait disturbance. The events were ongoing. No further information will be available.

ミスリードを意図した恣意的な祖父江研究班の疫学調査報告 (NANA様より)

2016-12-27 | 資料







◆ 有意差あり (p<0.01 検定統計量:4.717)


この p<0.01 という数値は、医療疫学データの有意差検定の有意水準として一般的に使われている p=0.05 よりも十分に小さい値です。簡単に言えば、この有意差ありの統計的信頼性は高いということになります。






2016-12-27 | 資料


頻度の高い疾患です。好発年齢は10 ~16歳、有病率は、小学生の約5%、中学生の約10%とされ、男:女=1:1.5 ~2です。厚生科学研究の全国調査によると、一般小児科外来を受診した10〜15歳3316名のうち、281名(8.5%)が心身症、神経症等と診断され、その中で起立性調節障害は199名と約7割を占め最も多くみられました。


















2016-12-25 | 資料

大橋 弘昌さんがをリツイートしました

薬の副反応って様々で、本物偽物等と簡単に言える物では無いと思いますし、お嬢さんの場合HANSの診断は誤診と思われる横浜市立大学医学部の診断基準がありました これを読みますと現時点では視床下部の新たな疾患かも知れないと記述してます

大橋 弘昌さんが追加



2016-12-24 | 資料

RECOMBIVAX HB Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant) 1983年に承認(米国)






6.1 Clinical Trials Experience 臨床実験での報告

 Incidence Equal To or Greater Than 1% of Injections 接種回数の1%以上の発生



 Injection site reactions consisting principally of  soreness, and including pain, tenderness, pruritus,  erythema, ecchymosis, swelling, warmth, nodule formation.


The most frequent systemic complaints include fatigue/weakness; headache; fever ( ≥ 100°F); malaise.  

最も頻繁な全身の愁訴は、疲労・脱力; 頭痛; 発熱(37.8度以上);倦怠感である。


胃腸障害 吐き気; 下痢

RESPIRATORY, THORACIC AND  MEDIASTINAL DISORDERS  Pharyngitis; upper respiratory infection  

呼吸器、胸郭、縦郭疾患 咽頭炎; 上気道感染症


Incidence Less Than 1% of Injections  接種回数の1%未満の発生

GENERAL DISORDERS AND ADMINISTRATION SITE CONDITIONS Sweating; achiness; sensation of warmth; lightheadedness; chills; flushing

一般的な障害および接種部位の状態 発汗; 疼痛; 熱感; 意識朦朧; 寒気; 潮紅

GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS Vomiting; abdominal pains/cramps; dyspepsia; diminished appetite

胃腸障害 嘔吐; 腹痛/けいれん; 消化不良; 食欲不振


呼吸器、胸郭、縦郭疾患 鼻炎; インフルエンザ;

NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS  Vertigo/dizziness; paresthesia  

神経系の障害 回転性めまい/浮動性めまい; 感覚異常

SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISORDERS  Pruritus; rash (non-specified); angioedema; urticaria 

皮膚及び皮下組織障害 掻痒症; 発疹(非特異性); 血管浮腫; 蕁麻疹

MUSCULOSKELETAL AND CONN ECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS  Arthralgia including monoarticular; myalgia; back  pain; neck pain; shoulder pain; neck stiffness  

筋骨格系および結節性の組織障害 関節痛を含む関節痛; 筋肉痛; 背中の痛み; 首の痛み; 肩の痛み; 首筋剛性


血液およびリンパ性疾患 リンパ節腫脹

PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS  Insomnia/disturbed sleep  

精神障害 不眠症/睡眠障害


耳および内耳疾患 耳痛


腎臓および尿道障害  排尿障害



心障害 低血圧

6.2 Post-Marketing Experience 市販後の副反応

 The following additional adverse reactions have been  reported with use of the marketed vaccine.  Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from  a population of uncertain size, it is not possible to  reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to a vaccine exposure.

ワクチンの市販後の使用により、以下の有害反応が追加で報告されている。 これらの反応は人数が不明な集団からの自発的な報告であるため、確実に頻度を推定したり、ワクチン接種との因果関係を確立することは不可能である。  

Immune System Disorders  免疫系障害

Hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, bronchospasm, and urticaria have been reported within the first few hours after vaccination.


An apparent hypersensitivity syndrome  (serum-sickness-like) of delayed onset has been reported days to weeks after vaccination, including:  arthralgia/arthritis (usually transient), fever, and  dermatologic reactions such as urticaria, erythema  multiforme, ecchymoses and erythema nodosum  [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)] . Autoimmune  diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), lupus-like syndrome, vasculitis, and polyarteritis nodosa have also been reported.

ワクチン接種の数日から数週間後に、遅発性の過敏症症候群(血清病様)が報告されている 関節痛/関節炎(通常は一過性)、発熱、および蕁麻疹、多形性紅斑、斑状紅斑および結節性紅斑などの皮膚科反応を含む [警告と注意事項(5.1)を参照]。 全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE)、ループス様症候群、血管炎、および結節性多発動脈炎を含む自己免疫疾患も報告されている。


Gastrointestinal Disorders  Elevation of liver enzymes; constipation

胃腸障害 肝臓酵素の上昇; 便秘

Nervous System Disorders  Guillain-Barré syndrome; multiple sclerosis; exacerbation of multiple sclerosis; myelitis including  transverse myelitis; seizure; febrile seizure; peripheral neuropathy including Bell's Palsy; radiculopathy;  herpes zoster; migraine; muscle weakness; hypesthesia; encephalitis

神経系疾患 ギラン・バレー症候群; 多発性硬化症; 多発性硬化症の悪化; 横断性脊髄炎を含む脊髄炎; 発作; 熱性発作; 末梢神経障害(ベル麻痺を含む); 神経根障害; ヘルペス帯状疱疹; 片頭痛; 筋肉の衰弱; 感覚鈍麻; 脳炎

Skin and Subcutaneous Disorders  Stevens-Johnson syndrome; alopecia; petechiae; eczema

皮膚および皮下疾患スティーブンス・ジョンソン症候群; 脱毛症; 点状出血; 湿疹

Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders  Arthritis  Pain in extremity

筋骨格系および結合組織障害 関節炎 四肢の疼痛

Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders  Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate; thrombocytopenia  

血液およびリンパ系の障害 赤血球沈降速度の増加; 血小板減少症

Psychiatric Disorders  Irritability; agitation; somnolence  

精神医学的障害 易怒性; 易興奮性; 傾眠

Eye Disorders  Optic neuritis; tinnitus; conjunctivitis; visual disturbances; uveitis  

眼疾患視 神経炎; 耳鳴り; 結膜炎; 視覚障害; ブドウ膜炎

Cardiac Disorders  Syncope; tachycardia  

心臓病 失神; 頻脈

The following adverse reaction has been reported  with another Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant) but  not with RECOMBIVAX HB: keratitis.

以下の副反応は、他のB型肝炎ワクチン(組換え)で報告されているが、RECOMBIVAX HBでは報告されていない:角膜炎 


H28 年全国中学生人権作文コンテスト東京都大会受賞作品 「私の姉」

2016-12-23 | 資料
    1. HPVV副反応被害者の妹さんの描く H28 年全国中学生人権作文コンテスト東京都大会受賞作品 「私の姉」 被害者本人だけでなく、兄弟姉妹も苦しみのどん底に! 「私たち家族はこれからどうなっていくのかという恐怖に怯えている。」



2016-12-23 | 資料





服用している心臓の薬の効果がなくなってきたということですが、サハラさんの気分はこの1年のうちで一番よいようで、お母さんと町に出かけることができたことが、お母さんをとても喜ばせました。That fills my heart with joy!




I've been waiting to post an update on Sweet Sahara until I had good news to post. Unfortunately, we still don't have much good news to share.

The bad news: Insurance has denied Sahara's IVIG therapy. We are in the midst of an appeal.

More bad news: Insurance has been sitting on the appeal paperwork for three weeks, because it was missing a necessary form from me. They never bothered to contact me for that form. I only found out when I called to check on the status of the appeal this week. Ugh! So at this point, we're still in a holding pattern.

Even more bad news: Sahara's heart medicine appears to have stopped working. Her resting heart rate has been hovering near 90 for the last several weeks. Additionally, her heart rate has been in the "exercise fat burn zone" (above 100) for 5-9 hours a day. No wonder she is exhausted!

Good news: Even with the medicine setback, Sahara has been more energetic the last month than I have seen her in over a year! She has been managing short outings with me around town. That fills my heart with joy!

More good news: Sahara's Colorado internist requires we see her every 3 months now. We will be traveling to Colorado the first week of January. (Pray for no snow and/or ice storms, please!) The whole family is going so that Scott can help with the drive. (Sahara's brother Montana is uber excited that his winter break is extended by a week!)

You all have provided so much love, warmth, and joy to our family throughout the year. For the new year, our wish is for that love, joy, and support to come back to you tenfold. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Help spread the word!


2016-12-22 | 資料






2016-12-22 | 資料
タイムズ紙に掲載されました(amelia ferguson で検索すると、このタイムズ紙の記事と、オーストラリア新聞の記事がヒットします)
Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2012 Jul;16(4):396-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2011.11.001. Epub 2011 Nov 29.

Treatment-responsive pandysautonomia in an adolescent with ganglionic α3-AChR antibodies.

Author information

  • 1Neuroimmunology Group, Institute of Neuroscience and Muscle Research, Children's Hospital at Westmead, University of Sydney, Australia. russelld@chw.edu.au


Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy (AAG) is a rare disorder that presents with pandysautonomia typically in middle age and elderly patients. AAG is typically associated with serum autoantibodies that bind to the alpha-3 subunit of the ganglionic acetylcholine receptor (α3-AChR Ab). We report a 13 year old girl who presented with gut pseudo-obstruction, bladder dysfunction and dilated pupils unresponsive to pilocarpine. She had positive α3-AChR Ab plus other autoantibodies suggesting an autoimmune diathesis. Our patient was initially resistant to steroid therapy but responded to the addition of azathioprine resulting in a near complete clinical remission. We conclude that pandysautonomia associated with α3-AChR Ab can occur in children and has multi-organ involvement.


2016-12-22 | 資料


A paper suggesting that a vaccine for HPV may be harmful is being critiqued by scientists:



Last July, women claiming side effects from the cervical cancer vaccine sued Japan’s government.



2016-12-22 | 資料

bokemontaroさんがNews from Scienceをリツイートしました



Tracking the global spread of vaccine sentiments: The global response to Japan's suspension of its HPV vaccine recommendation

1London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; London, UK
2Hokkaido University; Sapporo, Japan
3University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam, The Netherlands


日時: 2016 年 3 月 16 日(水) 17:00~20:15 (受付 16:30 開始)
会場: 北海道大学学術交流会館 1F 小講堂
参加:無料   ※事前申し込み(FAX 下記参照)

17:00-17:25 子宮頸がん予防のグローバル戦略:一次予防と
二次予防 -自己採取 HPV 検査を含めて
シャロン・ハンリー (北海道大学医学研究科 総合女性医療システム学講座 特任助教)

第一部 (日本では)
17:25-17:45 日本における子宮頸がん罹患・死亡の現況と
櫻木範明 (北海道大学医学部産婦人科 教授)

17:45-18:05 地域がん登録データの分析による、日本のヒト
元木葉子(横浜市立大学医学部産婦人科 医師)

第二部 (英国では) 同時通訳あり
18:05-18:30 子宮頸がん検診に対する心理学的側面について
ジョ・ワラー(ロンドン大学-UCL-疫学講座 上級講師)

18:30-18:55 スコットランドにおける HPV ワクチンプログラム
( (アバディーン大学医学部産婦人科 教授)

18:55-19:05 休憩

第三部 (オーストラリアでは) 同時通訳あり♪
19:05-19:30 オーストラリア国立 HPV ワクチンプログラム:
HPV ワクチンプログラムレジスタ 部長)

19:30-19:55 検診回数を減らして予防効果を高める:オース
ミガン・スミス(NSW 州対がん協会子宮頸がん検診と HPV ワクチンプログラム部長)

19:55-20:10 質疑応答 司会:寒河江 悟
(札幌西孝仁会クリニック 婦人科部長)

20:10-20:15 閉会挨拶 櫻木範明
(北海道大学医学部産婦人科 教授)

主催: 科学研究費補助金 基盤 (B)「がんに対する正しい知識・態度・意識の涵養を目指す小中学生向けがん教育教材
の開発」 代表:Sharon Hanley
科学研究費補助金挑戦的萌芽「An innovative system to investigate HPV vaccine efficacy and increase cervical screening in young women」 代表:Sharon Hanley
共催: 北海道大学大学院医学研究科

    メール hpvss@med.hokudai.ac.jp
     FAX 011-706-7711まで (締め切り3月15日)

   2006年 2月、福島県立大野病院産婦人科の医師が逮捕された。医師1人の体制下で、出血した産婦を救えなかったことが業務上過失致死罪に問われたものだ。日本の医療が破壊されるとの認識から東大医科学研究所の上(かみ)昌広さんら医療者が声を上げ、法律家、メディア、政治家、市民、学生も集まったグループで、同年から毎年1回、シンポジウムを続けている。

シンポジウムでは医療問題を本音で議論 今後も続けていく必要性が強調された(画像はイメージ)




