

Autoimmune encephalitis with GABAB antibodies, thymoma, and GABAB receptor thymic expression

2016-07-30 | 論文



Antibody-mediated autoimmune encephalopathies comprise a group of severe conditions with a varying degree of motor and cognitive symptoms that respond to immunotherapies.1 The associated antibodies are directed against intracellular targets, such as the classic paraneoplastic autoantigens Hu, Yo, Ri, CV2, Ma2/Ta, or the enzyme GAD, or against cell surface antigens such as receptors and ion channels.

A newly described pathogenic antibody in autoimmune encephalopathies is directed against the γ-aminobutyric acid receptor B (GABAB), a G-protein–coupled receptor.2 In 2 large series of more than 35 GABAB-seropositive patients, the most common symptoms were limbic encephalitis, seizures, ataxia, and opsoclonus myoclonus3,4; only a single case presented with brainstem encephalitis.5 The GABAB-associated syndrome can be also paraneoplastic up to 35% of the cases, most often associated with small-cell lung cancer and quite often in conjunction with another paraneoplastic antibody.

We present a case of GABAB-associated autoimmune encephalopathy with brainstem manifestations, thymoma, and co-occurrence of anti-Hu and anti-CV2 antibodies. The main novelty of the case is GABAB expression in the thymus, implicating reactivity against the same antigen between thymus and brain.

Case presentation.

A 25-year-old man was admitted for evaluation of recurrent episodes of vertigo, dizziness, persistent hiccups, nausea, and vomiting that started 3 months prior to admission. On admission he had normal cognitive functions, horizontal nystagmus intensified to the left, brisk tendon reflexes in the lower limbs, positive Romberg sign, and tongue myoclonus. After 1 week he developed right sixth nerve palsy with diplopia, and 2 weeks later he developed left third nerve palsy.


2016-07-29 | 資料







2016-07-29 | 論文


Heterozygous mutation in NFKB1 can cause an antibody deficiency (CVID)

The phenotypical spectrum ranged from clinically inapparent IgG subclass deficiency to severe forms of CVID with progressing pulmonary disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and rheumatoid joint disease. In summary, mutations in NFKB1 or NFKB2 are highly prevalent and could account for approximately 10% of monogenetic defects in CVID.



Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is the most common symptomatic group of known primary immunodeficiency (PID) syndromes, affecting approximately 1 in 25,000 people.




2016-07-29 | 資料

子宮頸がんワクチン提訴 接種と副作用 調査体制を 岡山大教授 津田敏秀 一時見合わせとなっているワクチン接種勧奨の再開を急ぐべきだという声もあがっている。裁判の当事者だけでなく、戸惑いを覚える方は多いと思う。


2016-07-29 | 論文


Note on Regulatory Toxicology Requirements for Adjuvants and Vaccines; in View of the Newly Established WHO guidelines


Mineo Matsumoto1*, Shinichi Komatsu2, Hajime Matsui3, Kazuhiro Shimomura4, Kazuto Watanabe5, Kohei Amakasu1, Osamu Fueki1, Jun-ichi Sawada1, Kazushige Maki1, Kazutoshi Shinoda1 and Hiroshi Onodera1

  1. Review Division, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)\, Kasumigaseki 3-3-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013, Japan
  2. Research and Development Department, POC Clinical Research Inc. Taishidou 4-1-1, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004, Japan
  3. Pathology Department, The Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute, Kyokushi Kawabe 1314-1, Kikuchi-shi, Kumamoto 869-1298, Japan
  4. Vaccine Research Laboratories, Kitasato Daiichi Sankyo Vaccine Co. Ltd., Kita-Kasai 1-16-13, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 134-8630, Japan
  5. Research Division, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Komakado, 1-135, Gotemba, Shizuoka 412-8513, Japan



For example, the number of the representative participants of the WHO consultation held in headquarter of WHO in Geneva, with the aim of finalizing the WHO guidelines on nonclinical evaluation of vaccines published in 2005 (hereafter, the 2005 WHO Guidelines) [2] is 12 (regulatory body), 9 (academia) and 7 (industry) from 17 countries, whereas that of the 2014 WHO Guidelines is 18, 5 and 15 from 23 countries, respectively. This indicates that a wider range of contributions was made to create the 2014 WHO Guidelines, especially from industry side (25% in 2005 vs. 39% in 2014).




Autoimmune disease induced by adjuvant


The practical action of adjuvants to enhance the immune response to antigen is presumed to result in a safety concern that autoimmune disease may be triggered. For example, “Gulf War Syndrome” developed in the US troops was reported to be associated with the administration of adjuvant for anthrax vaccination [12]. On the matter of adjuvant safety, the ILSI/ HESI discussed “Adjuvant and autoimmune disease” (workshop was held under same title in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on October 18–19, 2014) along with the work on the establishment of the 2014 WHO Guidelines. The outcome of the ILSI/HESI workshop was reflected in the 2014 WHO Guidelines. A study reported that when an adjuvant, pristane, an impurity found in natural oil extracted from shark liver, was single administered to mice, it was found to activate production of autoantibodies found in human systemic lupus erythematous patients [13]. The autoantibody production is considered to be dependent on the Type I-IFN and TLR 7. Furthermore, when the vaccine adjuvant, squalene, an unsaponifiable unsaturated hydrocarbon found in shark liver oil, or incomplete Freund’s adjuvant was administered to mice, autoantibody production was enhanced; this suggested that this model is useful in understanding the development of autoimmune diseases probably occurring in humans after exposure to adjuvants [13]. However, the ILSI/HESI workshop concluded that based on significant differences in adjuvant composition, dosage level, administration route, and other factors from the vaccination applied in humans, extrapolation of the results from these models to humans should be conducted cautiously at present [14].



Based on the preceding discussion, the following explanations were added to the 2014 WHO Guidelines: no compelling clinical evidence are found that adjuvants could lead to the induction of autoimmune disease, and established animal models for this matter do not currently exist. Therefore, the guidelines reached the conclusion that no recommendations can be made at present regarding specific nonclinical studies, and that these are complex and multifactorial conditions; further research is required to identify additional biomarkers [10].





2016-07-28 | ガーダシル症例

kamekurasan Retweeted io302








  293701 (history)   Vaccinated: 2007-05-09
Age: 56.0   Onset: 2007-05-20, Days after vaccination: 11
Gender: Male   Submitted: 2007-09-17, Days after onset: 120
Location: New York   Entered: 2007-09-20, Days after submission: 3
Life Threatening? No
Died? No
Permanent Disability? No
Recovered? No
ER or Doctor Visit? Yes
Hospitalized? Yes, 55 days
    Extended hospital stay? Yes
Previous Vaccinations:
Other Medications:
Current Illness: Homosexuality; Sexually active
Preexisting Conditions: Unknown PMH: remote grand mal seizure several years ago w/no etiology. PE 1990''s. Asthma. GERD. Gay w/steady partner. Allergic: sulfa. Substance abuse
Diagnostic Lab Data: Unknown LABS: CSF: protein 62 (H), glucose 52 (N), oligclonal bands neg, c/s neg. MRI of brain WNL except for sinus inflammation. MRI of c-spine & l-spine revealed degenerative changes. CXR WNL. Abdominal x-ray abnormal. EMG/NCS report included but no interpretation available.
CDC Split Type: WAES0708USA04356
Administered by: Other     Purchased by: Other
Symptoms: Abasia, Abdominal X-ray, Asthenia, Asthma, Back pain, CSF culture negative, CSF glucose normal, CSF oligoclonal band present, CSF protein increased, Catheter placement, Chest X-ray normal, Cough, Diarrhoea, Dysphagia, Dysphonia, Dysuria, Electromyogram, Erectile dysfunction, Facial paresis, Fall, Gastrointestinal tube insertion, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Headache, Hypoaesthesia facial, Hyporeflexia, Intensive care, Intervertebral disc degeneration, Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, Muscle spasms, Muscular weakness, Nausea, Neck pain, Nerve conduction studies, Neuralgia, Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging abnormal, Paraesthesia, Pharyngolaryngeal pain, Plasmapheresis, Rhinorrhoea, Sinusitis, Upper respiratory tract infection, Urinary tract infection, Vomiting
SMQs:, Rhabdomyolysis/myopathy (broad), Anaphylactic reaction (broad), Acute pancreatitis (broad), Asthma/bronchospasm (narrow), Peripheral neuropathy (narrow), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Retroperitoneal fibrosis (broad), Pseudomembranous colitis (broad), Dystonia (broad), Parkinson-like events (broad), Guillain-Barre syndrome (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Accidents and injuries (narrow), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (narrow), Demyelination (narrow), Eosinophilic pneumonia (broad), Vasculitis (narrow), Hypersensitivity (narrow), Arthritis (broad), Noninfectious diarrhoea (narrow)
Write-up: Information has been received from a physician concerning a female who was vaccinated with a 0.5 mL dose of Gardasil. Subsequently, after vaccination, the patient developed Guillain-Barre syndrome and was hospitalized. It was reported that the patient "recently had plastic surgery and is now in rehab." The patient''s outcome was unknown. Additional information has been requested. 4/1/08 Received only partial medical records of 5/23-6/04/2007. FINAL DX: Guillain Barre syndrome. No d/c summary available. Records indicate patient experienced 2-3 days of neck & back pain & tingling in his legs followed by weakness which became profound until patient fell & was unable to move either leg, also had weakness of both arms along w/facial numbness. Had HA, cough, runny nose & sore throat & recent dx of URI tx w/antibiotics. Had nausea x 1 wk & difficulty voiding & swallowing. Had brief episode of diarrhea 1 week prior. Was on business trip from out of state. Admitted to ICU. Neuro & pulmonary consults done. Exam revealed hyporeflexia. Tx w/plasmapheresis. Developed N/V. Feeding tube placed. Transferred to inpatient rehab w/foley cath. 5/6/08 Received hospital medical records of 6/4-7/11/2007. FINAL DX: Guillain-Barre syndrome; neuropathic pain; debility; asthma; dysphonia. Also developed URI; UTI; hypersensitivity vasculitis, all resolved. Records reveal patient experienced improvement during this rehab hospitlization. Improved to be able to ambulate w/walker. Continued to awaken at night w/leg spasms & have erectile dysfunction. Transferred to another rehab hospital. This is in follow-up to report(s) previously submitted on 9/17/2007. Initial and follow-up Information has been received from two physicians concerning a 56 year old sexually active male homosexual (previously reported as female) with a "questionable" history of illicit substance abuse. At the time of this report, the patient was recovering. Additional information has been requested.


2016-07-28 | 資料


全国子宮頸がんワクチン被害者連絡会 記者会見
















「HPVワクチンと自己免疫疾患の危険性:薬理疫学的研究」 Owlmanさんのツイッターから

2016-07-27 | 資料


フランス医薬品安全局(ANSM) 2015年9月 「HPVワクチンと自己免疫疾患の危険性:薬理疫学的研究」最終報告




14の研究項目のうちの2つである、慢性腸炎症疾患とギラン・バレー症候群に関しては、HPVワクチン接種との有意な関連性が証明された。 この関連性は、特にギラン・バレー症候群に関して示されていた。

現在の研究は、薬理疫学の初期的研究であり、HPVワクチン接種とこれら2つの自己免疫疾患の関連性を提起している。 その研究結果はまだ確認されずに残されている。

慢性腸炎症疾患に関する研究では、弱い関連性が観察され それは、 ①逆の因果のバイアスによるか、 ②有害性によるか、 ③或いは、分析では考慮に入れられていない残留物を混同している要因により、 説明される

更に、文献資料は、一般的方法のワクチン接種がこれらの症状のリスク要因であるとは、述べていない。 この結果は、従って、他の研究によって調査される必要がある。


もし複数の研究が、ギランバレー症候群の発症が違う種類のワクチン接種と関連していると報告したら、 他の複数の研究は、ワクチン接種した個人へのギランバレー症候群発症リスクのいかなる増大も示さないかもしれない


安倍総理 ベルギーにて

2016-07-27 | 資料

working lunch with PM ABE of Japan and PM Michel,Great opportunity for GSK to leverage our economicpresence in Japan


平成28年5月3日欧州及びロシア訪問 -3日目-





「テロの犠牲となられた方々に、心から哀悼の意を表しました。日本は、ベルギーとそしてヨーロッパと共にあります。強い連帯の意を表します。この場 所には花が絶えることはありません。テロによって一人の犠牲もない平和な時代が来ることを望む人々の、この平和への希求の思いがこの場に集まっている、そ う感じました。日本も世界の国々と手を携え、テロの根絶に向けてテロと闘ってまいります。伊勢志摩サミットにおいても、G7の国々とG7の結束を示してい きたいと思います」

中山先生 TNFの過剰産生って危ないですか?

2016-07-27 | 資料




2016-07-27 | 論文


Merck Plans to Cut 12% of Work Force as Its Sales and Profit Fall

OCT. 22, 2008 リンク


Merck also had setbacks in its vaccine division, which had been a bright spot for the company.

Sales of Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine, were $401 million for the quarter, a decrease of 4 percent, as questions arose over the vaccine’s necessity, cost and safety, and Merck’s marketing tactics.










2016-07-27 | 資料






So mediocre are HPV vaccination rates that GSK, the maker of Cervarix, plans to cease distribution of its HPV vaccine in the United States in September.

It will continue to supply it in many other nations, such as Great Britain, Germany, France and Mexico. The departure of Cervarix leaves the market to Gardasil, a vaccine produced by Merck.




2016-07-27 | 論文


What makes adolescent females so susceptible to STIs?

In all females the cervix is covered with two cell types – epithelial (skin-like) cells and columnar (like the cells lining the intestine) cells. In mature females, the outer part of the cervix (ie, the part the doctor sees when he or she looks at the cervix to obtain cells for a PAP smear) is covered with multiple layers of hardy (squamous) epithelial cells, and the upper part inside the cervical canal is lined with fragile columnar cells. Where the two cell types meet is referred to as the squamocolumnar (SC) junction.

The location of this junction varies considerably between adolescents/young females and mature females.
Adolescents/young females have a normal condition referred to as ectopy. With ectopy, the junction between the two cell types is somewhere on the outer cervix (where a physician could see it on pelvic exam) rather than inside the cervical canal. The more ectopy there is, the larger the diameter of fragile columnar cells on the outer exposed surface of the cervix. In addition to being highly susceptible to STIs, the exposed columnar and SC junction cells are more easily transformed into precancerous cells or into cancer if infected with human papillomavirus.

すべての女性で、子宮頚部は2種類の細胞で覆われている、すなわち、上皮(皮膚のような)細胞および円柱(腸の内側を覆う細胞のような) 細胞である。成熟した女性では、子宮頸部の外側部分(すなわち、医師がパップテストのための細胞を得るために子宮頸部を見たときに見える部分)が、多層の硬い(扁平)上皮細胞で覆われ、子宮頸管内側の上部が脆弱な円柱細胞で覆われている。これら2つの種類の細胞が接する部分は、扁平円柱上皮(SC)接合部と呼ばれている。



A discrete population of squamocolumnar junction cells implicated in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer


Infection by carcinogenic human papillomaviruses (HPV) results in precancers [cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)] and cancers near the ectoendocervical squamocolumnar (SC) junction of the cervix. However, the specific cells targeted by HPV have not been identified and the cellular origin of cervical cancer remains elusive. In this study, we uncovered a discrete population of SC junctional cells with unique morphology and gene-expression profile. We also demonstrated that the selected junctional biomarkers were expressed by a high percentage of high-grade CIN and cervical cancers associated with carcinogenic HPVs but rarely in ectocervical/transformation zone CINs or those associated with noncarcinogenic HPVs. That the original SC junction immunophenotype was not regenerated at new SC junctions following excision, not induced by expression of viral oncoproteins in foreskin keratinocytes, and not seen in HPV-related precursors of the vagina, vulva, and penis further support the notion that junctional cells are the source of cervical cancer. Taken together, our findings suggest that carcinogenic HPV-related CINs and cervical cancers are linked to a small, discrete cell population that localizes to the SC junction of the cervix, expresses a unique gene expression signature, and is not regenerated after excision. The findings in this study uncover a potential target for cervical cancer prevention, provide insight into the risk assessment of cervical lesions, and establish a model for elucidating the pathway to cervical cancer following carcinogenic HPV infection.

治験で安全であったワクチンが、自己免疫疾患を発症させた前例 これもグラクソ

2016-07-25 | 論文

Vaccines 2014, 2 334

Immune Adjuvant Effect of Molecularly-defined Toll-Like Receptor Ligands


Lipoproteins have been also used in experimental and clinical vaccine studies.


In a vaccine against Lyme disease, immunization with the B. burgdorferi outer surface lipoprotein A (OspA) with alum has shown enhanced secretion of protective antibodies against a C-terminus epitope of OspA [108].

 ライム病に対するワクチンでは、B. burgdorferi細胞表層リポタンパク質A(OspA)とアラムを接種すると、OspAのC末端エピトープ(抗原決定基)に対する防御抗原の分泌が高められることが示されている。

This Lyme disease vaccine, LYMErix®, was licensed in 1998 after showing a good safety profile in clinical trials.


However, potential concerns regarding skewing of Treg responses toward a Th17 phenotype and induction of autoimmune disease have stopped its commercialization [109].



109. Nigrovic, L.E.; Thompson, K.M. The Lyme vaccine: A cautionary tale. Epidemiol. Infect. 2007, 135, 18.