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Remember 東日本大震災

2012-03-11 21:50:25 | 全英連参加者 2012









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 Address by His Majesty the Emperor on the Occasion of the Memorial Service to Commemorate the First Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake (March 11, 2012)

 As we commemorate the first anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, together with the people gathered here today, I would like to express my deepest condolences for the many people who lost their lives in this earthquake.

 A year ago today, Japan was struck by an unexpectedly huge earthquake and tsunami, which resulted in almost twenty thousand dead and missing persons. We must not forget that this included many people, including fire fighters, who lost their lives as they devoted themselves to relief operations and disaster control without regard for their own safety.

 As this earthquake and tsunami caused the nuclear power plant accident, those living in areas designated as the danger zone lost their homes and livelihoods and had to leave the places they used to live. In order for them to live there again safely, we have to overcome the problem of radioactive contamination, which is a formidable task.

 After the earthquake, many people, including members of the Government and the local authorities as well as many volunteers, went to the afflicted areas and carried out various efforts to support the afflicted people. I am sure their activities helped to comfort the evacuees living under harsh conditions and encouraged them to think positively about the future. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the people who have worked for the afflicted people and afflicted regions and those who have been trying to contain the damage from the nuclear power plant accident.

 Many people overseas responded to the disaster by sending us relief teams and offering us help in various ways. In many cables of sympathy I received from the foreign heads of state, they commented that they were truly impressed by how, under severe conditions, the afflicted people were helping each other and working towards reconstruction with a strong sense of solidarity. I am deeply grateful to the kindnesses shown by the people around the world.

 It is expected that many difficult challenges lie ahead in the reconstruction of the afflicted areas. It is my hope that the people's hearts will always be with the afflicted people and the afflicted regions, and that everyone will continue to work towards improving the conditions of those areas. It is important for us to never forget this disaster and hand down the lessons we learned to future generations, and foster the proper attitude towards disaster prevention, with the aim of making our country a safer place.

 In closing, I would like to express my hope that Japan will become once again a country where people can live with a sense of security and again offer my sincere condolences for all those who lost their lives in the Great East Japan Earthquake.

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 一つ目は、被災地の復興を一日も早く成し遂げることです。  今もなお、多くの方々が、不自由な生活を余儀なくされています。そうした皆様の生活の再建を進めるとともに、生まれ育ったふるさとをより安全で住みよい街として再生させようとする被災地の取組に最大限の支援を行ってまいります。


 二つ目は、震災の教訓を未来に伝え、語り継いでいくことです。  自然災害が頻発する日本列島に生きる私たちは、大震災で得られた教訓や知見を、後世に伝承していかなければなりません。今般の教訓を踏まえた全国的な災害対策の強化を早急に進めてまいります。

 三つ目は、私たちを取り結ぶ「助け合い」と「感謝」の心を忘れないことです。  被災地の復興には、これからも、震災発生直後と同様に、被災地以外の方々の支えが欠かせません。また、海外からの温かい支援に「恩返し」するためにも、国際社会への積極的な貢献に努めていかなければなりません。



 平成24年3月11日 内閣総理大臣 野田佳彦

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 Address by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda at the Ceremony to Commemorate the First Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake Sunday, March 11, 2012

 Today, in the presence of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, on behalf of the Government of Japan I would like to offer a memorial address at this Ceremony to Commemorate the First Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

 One year has passed since the day the Great East Japan Earthquake struck, which claimed so many precious lives in the same fleeting moments and inflicted such extensive damage across wide areas of the nation.

 When I think of the regrets of those who lost their lives and the profound grief of the bereaved relatives who have lost beloved family members, I am filled with tremendous sorrow. I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to those people. I would also like to express my sincere sympathies to all people who have been affected by the disaster, including the families of those people who still remain unaccounted for.

 In order to ensure that the departed souls of those who lost their lives are duly respected and their wishes continue to be passed down to posterity, today, before those present, I make the three following pledges.

 The first pledge I make is that the Government will work to accomplish reconstruction in the disaster-affected regions without delay.

 Many people are still obliged to endure inconvenience and hardship in their daily lives. We will provide maximum assistance for measures in the disaster-affected regions to ensure that these people can carry on with rebuilding their lives, and that the hometowns in which they have been born and raised are reborn as safe and pleasant places to live.

 The fight against the nuclear accident is continuing. We will make every effort to ensure that the rebirth of Fukushima is definitely achieved and beautiful hometowns are restored to their people.

 The second pledge I make is to pass on to future generations the lessons of the disaster.

 Living as we do in the Japanese archipelago, where natural disasters occur so frequently, it is our duty to pass on the lessons and knowledge we have gained from this disaster to future generations. Based on these lessons, we will proceed promptly with efforts to enhance countermeasures against natural disasters nationwide.

 The third pledge I make is that we will never forget the spirit of "mutual assistance" and "appreciation" that links us all.

 For reconstruction of the disaster-affected regions, the support of people outside these regions will continue to be indispensable, in the same way as it was in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. Furthermore, in order to repay the warm and kind assistance shown to us by other countries, we must exert every effort to make an active contribution to the international community.

 Our forebears, who led our country to prosperity, stood up with brave resolution in times of crisis. While offering our support for the daily struggles of those people in the disaster-affected regions, we will join hands as we seek to fulfill our historic mission of "the rebirth of Japan through reconstruction."

 In closing I would like to offer my prayers once again for the eternal and tranquil repose of the departed souls and my heartfelt wish that the bereaved families may find peace.

 March 11, 2012  Yoshihiko Noda  Prime Minister of Japan


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2012-03-11 05:51:55 | 全英連参加者 2012



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