tetujin's blog


To Colleen

2017-01-07 19:58:50 | プチ放浪 山道編

Konnichiwa(in Japanese).

I would like to thank you again for the very good accommodations you provided us. Some of us have been to the United States several times, but this is the first time that we had such an experience.
We enjoyed our staying at your lodge very much - every bit of it. I learned so many things about the life in winter-Alaska.

That is "The cold winter weather will warm our heart, and the long distance between us will let us to be more close".

I attached the photos which you requested.
You can also find photos which have added on social media of YOUTUBE..
You are a very gracious host. I am indeed lucky to have chosen your lodge. I will cherish this forever. "Arigatougozaimasu (in Japanese)"

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