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Mizuno Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies


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2007年07月26日 | 通訳研究


(1)New Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies

Tarragona, Spain, 18-20 October 2007

The Intercultural Studies Group is pleased to announce the third international conference for graduate students and young scholars engaged in research on Translation and Interpreting Studies, many of whom will be presenting their first papers. The format is designed to promote international contacts among novice researchers and to encourage extensive feedback from peers.

(2) The Third Asian Translation Traditions Conference: (Ex)Change and Continuity in Translation Traditions

Istanbul, October 22?24, 2008

 (3)Forum: Methods in Translator, Interpreter and Localizer Training (Organized by the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Monterey Institute of International Studies )

Date: November 5-6, 2007 (after the ATA Conference in San Francisco)
Place: Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, California

Invited Speakers:
Daniel Gile, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2
Anthony Pym, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

This is a forum to discuss concepts, models and methods for translator,
interpreter and localizer training. There will be a session on technology
used in instruction inside and outside the classroom setting as well.
Details to be announced later.


2007年07月26日 | 雑想


頂き物。小坂貴志 (2007)『異文化コミュニケーションのA to Z: 理論と実践の両面からわかる』(研究社)