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Mizuno Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies


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2005年12月02日 | 通訳研究

Karoly, K. and Foris, A. (Eds.) (2005) New Trends in Translation Studies: In Honour of Kinga Klaudy. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado.が到着。Part 1がTheory of Translationとして7本、Part 2がAnalysis of Translationで5本の論文を収録している。すべて翻訳研究。

Interpreting Vol. 7 No. 2 (2005)は医療通訳の特集だ。主要目次は以下の通り。

Introduction: Discourse-based research on healthcare interpreting (Franz Pochhacker and Miriam Shlesinger)
Roles of community interpreters in pediatrics as seen by interpreters, physicians and researchers (Yvan Leanza)
Doctor-patient consultations in dyadic and triadic exchanges (Carmen Valero Garces)
Exploring untrained interpreters’use of direct versus indirect speech (Friedel Dubslaff and Bodil Martinsen)
Dialogue interpreting as a specific case of reported speech (Hanneke Bot)
Examining the “voice of interpreting” in speech pathology (Raffaela Merlini and Roberta Favaron)