kuringo's Blog



2018年02月27日 19時49分31秒 | 日記



connote :〔語の元の意味に加えて~を〕含意する、暗示する
catch the bug :取り付かれている、熱狂的になっている
nestle :~を心地よく落ち着かせる
snuggle :すり寄り、寄り添い
be sensitive to change of ~ :~の変化に敏感である
bite-sized :一口サイズの、一口大の、ちっちゃな、非常に小さい

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Daily Routine

2018年02月27日 12時46分37秒 | 日記

Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 30 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :10 minutes

Seven years and eighty days in a row have passed since I broke my smoking habit.
I was able to keep 23-time push-ups for the twenty-first successive day and greater
than 15-time push-ups for the one year and twenty-seventh consecutive day.

It's steadily getting warmer and warmer, which should have made me feel happy.
However, very very unfortunately, I've got a cold again and now have a sore throat
and a runny nose.
It's unbelievably rare that I've got a cold for the second straight month.
I'm wondering this might be the first time in my life.
Anyway, I really hope to get well soon.

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