kuringo's Blog



2018年02月04日 19時41分02秒 | 日記



hibernate :〔動物が〕冬眠する、冬ごもりする
estivate :〔動物が〕夏眠する◆【語源】ラテン語
hard-packed snow :こちこちに固まった雪
stat :〈ラテン語〉急いで、直ちに◆【同】immediately
guidepost :道標、道しるべ、指標
serene :静かな、穏やかな、憂いのない

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Daily Routine

2018年02月04日 13時01分51秒 | 日記

Push-ups :22 times
Walking :47 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :5 minutes

It has been seven years and fifty-seven days in a row since I broke my bad habit of smoking.
I was able to keep more than 15-time push-ups for the one year and fourth consecutive
day including the latest twenty-four days of 22-time push-ups.

Finally, I tried restarting jogging-on-the-spot from 5 minutes yesterday as part of
the preparation for this spring's 4 hour walking, and I really hope to continue that
as long as possible.
Weather officials say it may be snowy in Nagoya after 9 p.m. today, so I wore a pair
of rain shoes just in case.
Anyway the forecasted strong cold air-mass is just about to reach Nagoya.
I really have to get mentally prepared for the predicted bitter cold.
I definitely have to avoid catching a second cold.

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