kuringo's Blog



2016年08月21日 18時31分25秒 | 日記


set off :〔事件・活動・行為・怒り・抗議・化学反応などを〕(急に)引き起こす、誘発する、触発する、促す、派生する
synesthete :共感覚者
over time :時間とともに、そのうちに、ひとりでに、ゆっくり時間をかけて、長い期間をかけて、徐々に
different in character :性格が異なる、性格が違う、性質が違う、性質が異なる
crucial stage ;《a ~》〔目的達成などのための〕重大な[極めて重要な]ステップ[段階・局面]、正念場
get the best out of a child :子どもの力[能力]を最大限に引き出す
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Daily Routine

2016年08月21日 12時14分49秒 | 日記
Push-ups:17 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :25 minutes

It has been five years and 256 days in a row since I quit smoking.
I was able to increase the number of push-ups by only one time to 17 times
and lengthen the time in jogging-on-the-spot to 25 minutes.

It's cloudy and to be honest I feel a little relieved because the sunlight
is much milder than usual August days.
A tepid breeze is blowing into the Japanese archipelago from three typhoons.
Weather ladies say it'll be rainy from tommorow evening to Tuesday.
Anyway I really hope the typhoons will pass without leaving any accidents or injured persons.
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