kuringo's Blog



2016年08月15日 19時11分43秒 | 日記


S-shaped curve :S字型カーブ[曲線]
go by each other :擦れ違う◆自動車などが
throes of death :断末魔の苦しみ
on a daily basis :日頃、毎日の、毎日のように、日常的に、日々
abound :たくさんある[いる]、多い、富む、豊富である、(~に)あふれている
dysfunctional :〔一般に〕機能不全の、機能を果たしていない
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Daily Routine

2016年08月15日 12時36分18秒 | 日記
Push-ups:20 times
Walking :a total of 30 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :20 minutes

Five years and 250 days in a row have passed since I overcame a bad habit of smoking.
I was able to keep more than 10-time push-ups for the thirteenth consecutive day
and 20-minute jogging-on-the-spot for the fourth straight day.

It's indeed hot and humid, but actually I've come to feel the heat is a kind of
late-summer heat, because the angle of the light ray from the sun is steadily
getting lower and lower day by day and cicadas' buzzing has been completely weakened.
I want to believe this year's autumnal weather is drawing nearer and nearer.
Before that, .... we may have to survive the coming typhoon.
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