kuringo's Blog



2016年08月11日 15時19分06秒 | 日記


become a nuisance to others :人の迷惑になる
obtuse :〔知能・知覚などが〕鈍感な、鈍い
rock-solid :盤石の、結束の固い、手堅い、堅実な、信頼できる
not half bad :そんなに[まんざら]悪くない、まあまあ良い、結構いける、捨てたものじゃない、やるじゃないか〔案外良い〕
        not half は、半分どころの[半端な]~ではない、の意味。
calculus :〔腎臓などの〕結石、〔歯科の〕歯石、《数学》微積分学
quintessential :典型的な、真髄の、神髄を現した、本質の、最も純粋な、中心的な、精髄の
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Daily Routine

2016年08月11日 12時19分30秒 | 日記
Push-ups:19 times
Walking :a total of 100 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

Five years and 246 days in a row have passed since I broke my smoking habit.
I was able to increase the number of push-ups by one time to 19 times but
I did't do jogging-on-the-spot because I did a total of 100-minute walking
for the first time in a very long time.

I was about to be involved in a traffic accident last night.
Very foolishly, a crazy driver tried passing my bike at an S-shaped curve
when an oncoming car was going by each other.
The crazy car had to make a quick stop just in front of me, blocking my bike.
I also had to put on the break in order to help the crazy driver avoid an accident.
Thanks to me, the foolish driver and his car was safe, but he/she left without apologizing.
He/She has to disappear as soon as possible, no matter what the reason.
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