kuringo's Blog



2016年08月22日 15時06分53秒 | 日記


be in an accident :《事故に遭う
be involved in traffic accidents :交通事故に巻き込まれる
go visit 人 in the hospital :病院に(人)の見舞いに行く、入院中の(人)を見舞いに行く
remuneration :報酬、給料、俸給
Better safe than sorry. :念には念を入れろ。/用心するに越したことはない。/転ばぬ先の杖。
have trouble with ~ :~にてこずる、~に手を焼く
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Daily Routine

2016年08月22日 12時29分36秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18 times
Walking :45 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for five years and 257 days in a row.
I also was able to increase the number of push-ups by only one time to 18 times.
I didn't do jogging-on-the-spot due maily to the summer heat and I also didn't
do sanding-on-one-foot because I felt a little pain in my right knee.

It's too humid and very warm, tepid winds from three typhoons are blowing from the northwest.
Weather officials say heavy rain will hit the Kanto region within a few hours.
I really hope there will be no casualties across the country.
Scorching heat with high humidity must be preferable to typhoons.
Anyway, let's survive this typhoon.
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