kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2022年06月23日 10時50分11秒 | 日記
Push-ups :24 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have been able to do without smoking for eleven
years and one hundred and ninety-six days in a row.
I was able to keep at least 10-time push-ups for the
two years and one hundred and eightieth straight day
including the most recent two days of 24-time push-ups.

Completely unlike these past two days, it is greatly
sunny in Nagoya, but actually it is so humid that I
felt a little sick even while I was riding my bike on
my way to the workplace in the morning.
I may not have a chance of walking until the end of
the scorching summer season, or for about two months.
I am wondering, as always at this time of the year,
what I should do to keep regular walks.
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2022年06月22日 11時27分10秒 | 日記


sentimental :感傷をそそる、お涙ちょうだいの、感傷的な
liable for :《be ~》~に責任を持つ、~の責任を負う
liable to :《be ~》~しがちだ、~しそうだ◆良くないことに用いる
unworthy :~に値しない、値打ちのない
consultant :コンサルタント、相談役、顧問、医師、弁護士、会計士
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Daily Routine

2022年06月22日 09時55分48秒 | 日記
Push-ups :24 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :16 minutes

I have been able to keep smoke-free for eleven years
and one hundred and ninety-five days in a row.
I tried increasing the number of push-ups by just one
time to 24 times yesterday and kept over 9-time push-
ups for the two years and one hundred and seventy-
ninth successive day.

It has been raining in Nagoya since last evening, which
has forced me to realize that now is in the middle of
this year's rainy season.
Even so, it has been so dark and I really need much
more sunlight.
Although weather ladies said last night that it
would stop raining in Nagoya in the morning, actually,
it looks like it is going to continue to rain.
Anyway, I cannot do anything about invincible weather.
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2022年06月21日 11時10分56秒 | 日記


remind A of doing :A に doing したことを思い出させる
remind A to do :A に to do することを思い出させる
remind A of 名詞 :Aに名詞のことを思い出させる(時制は文脈次第)
bore :うんざりさせる人[物]、退屈な人[こと]
Excellency :《His ~》閣下◆政府の高官やカトリックの
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Daily Routine

2022年06月21日 10時08分27秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 80 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have been able to be a non-smoker for eleven years
and one hundred and ninety-four days in a row.
I was able to keep more than 9-time push-ups for the
two years and one hundred and seventy-eighth consecutive
day including the latest four days of 23-time push-ups.

It is quite overcast and it is a little dark in Nagoya.
It looks like it is going to start raining pretty soon.
The current temperature is not so high, that is, about
25 degrees, but actually, it is so humid that I nearly
feel sick.
I had better be careful about dehydration and I will
have to drink plenty of fluid to guard against heat attack.
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Daily Routine

2022年06月20日 09時13分44秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

Again, I have to say I wish I had enough time to be here today.
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Daily Routine

2022年06月19日 09時22分17秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :21 minutes

I wish I could have much more time to be here today.
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2022年06月18日 11時53分09秒 | 日記


Follow your heart. :自分の心に従って。
Follow your instincts.  :直感に従って。
secondary :部下、代理人、二次的な、補助的な、派生的な
make much of :大事にする、甘やかす
Just a thought. :単なる思い付きなんだけど
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Daily Routine

2022年06月18日 10時33分47秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 80 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

It has been eleven years and one hundred and ninety-
one days in a row since I quit smoking.
I managed to increase the number of push-ups by just
one time from the previous record to 23 times, and
kept greater than 9-time push-ups for the two years
and seventy-fifth straight day.

It is quite overcast and actually a little dark in
Nagoya now and it looks like it is going to start
raining pretty soon though weather ladies said that
it would rain at around three o'clock in the afternoon.
Indeed, Chinese people seem to be believers in a religion,
which means they tend to refer to average people, not to
exceptional individuality.
In contrast, American people seem to tend to express their
own exceptional personality.
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Daily Routine

2022年06月17日 13時11分41秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :a total of 60 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :20 minutes

I'm afraid I cannot afford to stay here longer today.
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