kuringo's Blog



2022年06月15日 11時34分58秒 | 日記


as compared to :~と比べて、~と比べると
tier :段階、列、段、階段、階段状の座席、層 @ティアー
top-tier investment banker :《a ~》一流の投資銀行家
market capitalization 時価総額◆株価に発行済み株式数をかけた値。
bourse :〈フランス語〉株式取引所、ヨーロッパの株式市場 @ブアス
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Daily Routine

2022年06月15日 09時52分54秒 | 日記
Push-ups :21 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for
eleven years and one hundred and eighty-eighth days in
a row.
I was able to increase the number of push-ups by just
one time to 21 times and kept over 9-time push-ups for
the two years and one hundred and seventy-second
consecutive day.

It has still been raining in Nagoya since yesterday,
and I feel that it is a little cold.
It is no wonder because the current temperature is 18
degrees, which I think is pretty low for this month.
I think it natural for many companies to try to
cultivate loyalty and trust among employees in order
to increase productivity and work efficiency.
This feature is also true of China and that is one
of the reasons why I think China is a company-like country.
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