kuringo's Blog



2017年12月23日 15時55分16秒 | 日記


conger eel :【名】《魚》アナゴ、穴子◆ウナギ目アナゴ科(Congridae)の総称だが、
withdrawal fee :引き出し手数料
chap :ひび、あかぎれ、荒れ、あかぎれになる、あかぎれを作る、〔手などが〕荒れる
fingertip :指の先端、指先
inunction :塗油、軟膏(の塗擦)
topical cream :塗り薬
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Daily Routine

2017年12月23日 12時23分34秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :37 minutes
Standing on one foot :11 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

It has seven years and fourteen days in a row since I broke free from smoking.
I was able to keep over 15-time push-ups for the three hundred and twenty-sixth
straight day including the latest five days of 22-time push-ups.

It's sunny again in Nagoya and I feel the wintry cold is a little milder than usual
though weather reports say it might be rainy tomorrow evening.
The end of 2018 is steadily drawing nearer and nearer.
School boys and girls have entered their winter holidays.
And the happy thing for me is that this year's midwinter day has passed, so
I can enjoy sunlight which is getting longer and longer day by day and month
after month little by little, maybe about one minute per day.
Well, by now, I might start looking forward to the next year's cherry blossoms.
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