kuringo's Blog



2013年10月15日 16時21分56秒 | 日記


shutdown :活動停止◆【略】SHTDN
debt default :債務返済不履行、債務不履行◆債務返済ができない[しない]こと
span :(橋が川に・虹が空に)かかる
ominous :縁起の悪い、険悪な、前兆となる、不気味な、不吉な
apocalypse :啓示、黙示
on the horizon :差し迫って、切迫して、実現の時が迫っている
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Daily Routine

2013年10月15日 12時28分55秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 17 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Two years and 311 days in a row have passed since I quit smoking.
I resumed push-ups from one set of 17-time push-ups after one-day break,
and I hope to continue them as long as possible.
Actually I've NOT got used to my new PC, especially keyboard.
I've found it a little hard to type with the new PC's keyboard.
Maybe I will have been irritated a little until I get completely used to it.
Anyway the the typhoon is about to get close to Japan's Honshu.
I'll have to be careful....Well, the space key is hard to handle.
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