

Six Year Class

2010年11月29日 | 6歳児クラス
Last week the six year class had the big job of making the chicken and gravy for the school Thanksgiving lunch! It was exciting to rub the chicken with the spices and see how it changed in the oven. We also made mashed potatoes and gravy. The children worked together with friends holding the pot while other children mashed. What good team work!

The kids are having fun with the songs we are learning in class such as John Denver’s “Country Road” and Peter, Paul and Mary’s “Puff the Magic Dragon.” We are learning some fun dances and songs to try on the pianica as well.

The six year class children are improving so much in their reading and writing skills. Every child practices reading at least two times a week with the teachers and we usually write one journal a week as well. We are learning so much in six year class and it is really starting to show! The teachers are very proud.

Six Year Class Teacher Kate
