


2013年08月30日 | イベント





Summer Day School Week 3: Smarty Party

2013年08月09日 | イベント
We had a great third week to send off Summer Day School. This week’s theme was “Smarty Party” for both the elementary and preschool classes. Both classes had a pajama day. They wore their pajamas to school and made popcorn and watched a movie while cuddling up with their favorite stuffed animal!

The preschool classes worked hard Monday to Thursday making a game a day to present to their families on Friday. The games they made included a maze, a bean bag toss, a zip line and a fishing game. They then went to the water park where they enjoyed playing in the water with their friends from both classes!

The elementary class had a great party week as well. They made ice cream to fight the heat, they wove dream catchers, and they ended the week with a fun pool party where they ate hot dogs and had a water balloon fight!

Summer Day School Week 2

2013年08月02日 | イベント
One of the major highlights of Summer Day School at Kids International School is the swimming pool. On these hot, summer days the children love splashing around in the pool, having fun and keeping cool.

This week the preschool class enjoyed cooking in the Summerlicious themed week. They cooked banana pancakes, macaroni and cheese, three layer dip, and Italian sodas. On Friday the children shared their cooking with the parents with an Italian café.

It has been a busy and exciting week for the elementary classes as well. This week their theme was Elements of Life. They worked in teams planning and constructing bridges, tested their ideas, and documented their work. They also explored the five senses. Each day they shared their work with each other and enjoyed each other’s company. On the last day the children took a field trip to the river to explore the water and the surrounding areas.