tetujin's blog


Congratulations on your graduation!

2011-03-23 23:37:27 | プチ放浪 都会編

Now, you must be facing with mixed feelings - pride on your accomplishments, excitement at the starting a new adventure of your life, as well as the apprehension as you stand on the brink of a new chapter of your life.

You are sure to be dealing with innumerable conflicting emotions. Believe your talents that you have nurtured over the years. Strive continually  to extend yourself even further - little by little every day.

Take heart when progress seems slow, work hard and play straight and the courage of your conviction will endure. Your goals will endure. Your work ethic will surmount obstacles in your way and ultimately your success will become a reality - something tangible and achievable.

On your graduation "may your actions inspire others to dream more; learn more; do more and become more!" - John Quincy Adams.

Congratulations to you - you are the future that we will come to depend on! 




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