

2022年10月21日 | たばこの気持ち


3. 10月1日開催の第16回横浜タウンウォッチングについては、河野副支部長から「19名が参加し、歩く距離は長かったが楽しく、学びの多いイベントになりました」との報告がありました。
4. 11月19日開催予定の「ランチビュッフェ」については、櫻井支部長から講師(根本文子様)やテーマ(晩学のすすめ)が紹介され、支部ブログでも参加者募集の投稿を行ったとの報告がありました。

The Kanagawa Branch of the Toyo University Alumni Association held its fourth meeting of the Board of Directors for FY2022 at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 15, 2022, in Room 306 of the Kanagawa Prefectural Center, with 13 members in attendance.
Director Asano presided over the meeting, which began with an address by Branch Director Sakurai, followed by deliberation and confirmation of the agenda as follows
1.Regarding the confirmation of the progress of the annual schedule, Mr. Miyazaki, Secretary General, reported on the progress to date and future plans, which were shared with the entire Board of Directors.
2.Report from the Alumni Association Headquarters: Mr. Seki, Vice President of the Branch, reported on the current situation, which was confirmed by all the members.
3.The 16th Yokohama Town Watching held on October 1 was reported by Mr. Kono, Vice Chairperson, as "19 people participated, and although the walking distance was long, it was an enjoyable and informative event. "
4.The theme of the lunch buffet to be held on November 19 was introduced by Branch Director Sakurai, who reported that the lecturer (Ms. Fumiko Nemoto) and the theme (Encouragement of Late Learning) had been introduced, and that a call for participants had been posted on the Branch's blog.
5.The Kanagawa Branch decided to wait for the response and decision of the organizers and Toyo University regarding support for the Hakone Ekiden, and to take action as soon as the decision is made.
6.Director Sekiguchi reported on the results of the prior implementation of membership expansion in the Sagamihara and Atsugi areas. It was also shared that the cooperation with the Alumni Association Headquarters and the University Student Support Office is necessary for membership expansion, and that the Kanagawa Branch's own efforts are limited.
7.Regarding the progress of the Branch newsletter, Secretary General Miyazaki reported on the monthly editorial meetings, campus visits, future coverage, etc., which were confirmed by all members, including a supplementary explanation by Director Asano.
8. In other matters, we shared awareness of IT workshops and branch training sessions.

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2022年10月21日 | 気ままな横浜ライフ

Today, I went from Yokohama to the office in Tamachi to edit the alumni association newsletter.
Yesterday, I couldn't do what I should have done, so the editing work for creating the bulletin has been delayed.
I managed to finish the first manuscript (8 page taploid version) tonight and will send it to another newsletter person tomorrow.
A little while ago, I went to Motsushige with my girlfriend's wife, drank alcohol, ate delicious snacks, and cheered myself up.

goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )