

英文契約の一般条項 その1

2020-08-06 23:18:47 | 商事法務

01 Expenses
ABC and XYZ shall bear their respective expenses, costs and fees (including attorneys’ fees) in connection with the preparation, execution and delivery of this Agreement and compliance herewith.

02 Confidentiality
In case either Party designates any matter secret which are furnished by such Party in connection with this Agreement, the other Party shall keep in strict confidence of such matter from any third party. The only exception, however, is disclosures forced by laws, regulations or orders of Governments or other organizations having necessary authorities, and such disclosures are not deemed to constitute violation of this Article.

03 Notice and Communications
All regular notices, consents, approvals or other daily communications required of the Parties hereto by this Agreement shall be sent by e-mail. All such communications shall be deemed served effectively if sent by e-mail at the following e-mail addresses or at such other addresses as notified by the Parties if the addresses have been changed:
To ABC: Atten.: Mr.Tokugawa Konzaemon
E-mail: Address: Tel.
To XYZ: Atten.: Mr. Steve Suzuki
E-mail: Address: Tel.
All formal and/or legal notice shall be made in wiring and be sent by registered mail or courier service, addressed to such other Parties at the above addresses or at such other addresses as notified by the Parties if the addresses have been changed.
このパラグラフは、必ずしも一般的ではないですが、僕の場合は、これを記載するようにしています。今でも、postage prepaid のregistered mailでNoticeしようという条項のdraftを、電子メールで送付してくる会社があります。時代錯誤ですね。

04 Force Majeure
No Party shall be liable to the other Party for failure or delay in the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement for the time and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by riot, civil commotions, wars, hostilities between nations, laws, governmental orders or regulations, embargoes, actions by governments or any agency thereof, Act of God, earthquakes, tsunami, storms, fires, accidents, strikes, sabotages, explosions or other similar or different contingencies beyond the reasonable control of the respective parties.
一般的な不可抗力の文言ですね。Force Majeureによる契約履行を遅らせる側が、その証拠の情報送付と遅延期間を連絡するようにという文言を入れる場合もありますね。

05 Arbitration
All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise among the Parties hereto, out of or in relation to or in connection with this Agreement, or for the breach thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the rules of Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). The award shall be final and binding upon all the Parties.

06 Governing Law
The formation, validity, construction and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of Singapore, without regard to the conflict of laws principles therein.
合弁会社設立契約のときは、当然その合弁会社の設立される国の法律が準拠法ですね。株式に関する事項もその株式を発行する会社の設立されている国の法律になります。かつてCayman法人の株式譲渡の契約を作成したときに、某商社の法務部から、準拠法はNew York州法だとか言われましたが、おかしいですね。

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