

Drucker ? 買収成功のSix Rules

2007-07-17 00:13:04 | M&A

前回のテーマの続きです。たまたまDruckerを読んでいたら、買収成功のSix Rulesが載っていました。日本でも米国でも当てはまると思います。彼の1981年の著作です。すごいですね。そんな昔に書いているとは。今も全くその通りですね。私の下手な日本語訳よりも原文の方が良いと思いますのでご紹介します。尚、Druckerの「実践する経営者」(ダイヤモンド社)の第9章に「企業買収を成功させる5つの原則」―成功する買収と失敗する買収 と書いてあります。どういう訳か第1の原則が書いていません。一つ減っています。何故だか知りません。

1. The successful acquisition must be based on business strategy, not financial strategy.

2. The successful acquisition must be based on what the acquirer contributes to the acquisition.

3. The two entities must share a common core of unity, such as markets and marketing, or technology, or core competencies.

4. The acquirer must respect the business, products, and customers of the acquired company, as well as its values.

5. The acquirer must be prepared to provide top management to the acquired business within a fairly short period, a year at most.

6. The successful acquisition must rapidly create visible opportunities for advancement for both the people in the acquiring business and people in the acquired business.

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