kuringo's Blog



2014年05月24日 14時07分13秒 | 日記


deep-seated belief :根深い信念
unforeseen contingency :《an ~》不測の事態
proceed with :~を進める、~を始める、~に移る、〔中断していたことを〕再開する
locked in :《be ~》~にくぎ付けになる
within the confines of the law :法律の範囲内で
quasi- :類似、疑似、擬~、準~、~に準じる、半~
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Daily Routine

2014年05月24日 12時19分13秒 | 日記
Push-ups:15 times
Walking: a total of 80 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been three years and 167 days in a row since I gave up smoking.
I resumed push-ups from one set of fifteen times yesterday and I hope to continute them
as long as possible.
After I did a 4-hour walking three days ago, I took a break and then I tried a little walking.
The pain in my left knee has completely gone now.
Anyway I'm planning to do a middle-distance walking in the near future before another long-
distance walking.
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Daily Routine

2014年05月23日 12時24分43秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I'm afraid I don't have enough time to be here today.
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2014年05月22日 18時22分56秒 | 日記


come to the aid of :~を助けに来る
stranded passengers :足止めを食らった乗客たち
illustrated :図解入りの、写真付きの
tantamount to :《be ~》~と等しい、~と同じことだ、~も同然だ
borderline case :際どい事例、五分五分の例、どちらとも決めにくい場合、どっちつかずの場合
entail :~を伴う、必要とする、引き起こす、課す◆【類】require
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Daily Routine

2014年05月22日 11時17分18秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking: 4 hours +20 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Three years and 165 days in a row have passed since I kicked smoking.
Yesterday for the first time in about one year, I did a over 4-hour walking with some
break of a total of 90 minutes from Nagoya City-run Subway Iwatsuka Station to JR Kuwana
Station through Kintetsu Fuseya and Toda Station as well as along Route NO.1.
I've got a little pain in my left knee and the back of my toes, which has made me think
I should have got prepared for a long-distance walking, taking more time.
Anyway now I have a feeling of accomplishment, which will make me challenge again.
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Daily Routine

2014年05月21日 11時39分13秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18+18 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I wish I had enough time to be here today.
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2014年05月20日 18時32分01秒 | 日記


level :〔非難などを人に〕向ける、突きつける
categorically :断定的に、断固として、きっぱり、頭から
Enough is enough. :もうたくさんだ。
ulterior motive :隠れた動機、下心、思惑、魂胆、本当の狙い
open question :《be an ~》議論の余地がある、疑問である、どうなるかは保証されていない
pit :~を戦わせる、競争させる、対抗させる
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Daily Routine

2014年05月20日 12時26分52秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18+18 times
Walking: 42+42 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been three years and 163 days in a row since I quit smoking.
I kept over 16-time push-ups for the fifteenth successive day and two sets of 18-time push-ups for
the seventh straight day.
Weather forecasts say it will rain late in the evening and will stop around noon tomorrow.
I may be able to do a long-distance walking after it stops raining tomorrow, so I will have to be
mentally prepared for it.
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2014年05月19日 18時07分08秒 | 日記


pockmarked :あばたのある、あばたのようになって
spate of :《a ~》相次ぐ、続発する、多発する、多数の、大量の
spring into action :素早く行動に移る、急に[素早く]動きだす
eye :~をじっと[じろじろ・注意深く]見る[見詰める]、~に注目する、注視する、視野に入れる、観察する
come under scrutiny :監視下に置かれる、厳しい視線が注がれる、詳細な調査の対象となる
absolve :(人)に無罪を言い渡す、(人)が無実であると認める
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Daily Routine

2014年05月19日 11時45分51秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18+18 times
Walking: 55+15 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Three years and 162 days in a row have passed since I gave up smoking.
I was able to keep two sets of 18-time push-ups for six days straight and over one set of
16-time push-ups for the fourteenth consecutive day.
It's sunny but today I feel a little humid maybe because rain clouds are coming nearer and nearer.
Come to think of it, I saw a few contrails in the sky yesterday, which must have been a sign of
rainy days.
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