kuringo's Blog



2013年12月18日 16時20分25秒 | 日記


set for :《be ~》~に予定されている
concede defeat :敗北[落選]を認める
unbeatable :負かすことのできない、強力な、無敵の
pediatrician :小児科医
win outright victory in election :選挙で圧勝する
under certain circumstances :特定の状況下で
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Daily Routine

2013年12月18日 12時38分15秒 | 日記
Push-ups:10 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been three years and ten days in a row since I kicked smoking.
Happily, I could resume push-ups from one set of ten times, and I hope to
continue them and increase the number gradually.
It's been raining since this morning and it's a cold rain.
According to weather reports, the highest temperature will be 7 degrees, which
is typical in midwinter.
I've really recognize that Oshibori does work against wintry cold for cold fingertips.
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Daily Routine

2013年12月17日 12時20分39秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :6 minutes

Three years and nine days in a row have passed since I stopped smoking.
Little pain in my low back was still there yesterday but I didn't do push-ups
for the fifth consecutive day just in case.
I really hope to resume them today if possible.
It's been cold in Nagoya but maybe it's normally cold.
If I remember right, it's much abnormally cold last year.
And, this year, I've really recognize that a USB hand warmer is working
much better than I expected if it is used with a pair of gloves, I think.
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2013年12月16日 14時06分50秒 | 日記


wrap up :〔会議・仕事などを〕終える、終わりにする、切り上げる
rescind :法令などを〕廃止する、破棄する、無効にする
universal principles of democracy :民主主義の普遍的な原理[原則]
security preparedness :安全のための備え
currency swap :通貨のスワップ取引
bolster :〔支えることで~を〕元気づける、鼓舞する、増強する
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Daily Routine

2013年12月16日 12時18分44秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking: 43 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :5 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for three years and eight days in a row.
I didn't do push-ups for the fourth straight day due to the pain in my
low back, but actually the pain is steadily getting milder and now
there is very little pain there.
I'm planning to resume push-ups in the very near future after the pain
has completely gone.
I really have to decide to continue over-40-minute walking to prevent
low back pain throughout a year.
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2013年12月15日 17時41分52秒 | 日記


near collision :衝突危険、異常接近
steam :すごい速さ[スピード]で走る
take evasive action :《軍事》回避行動を取る
swath :帯状の場所[もの]
lay claim to sole distributorship :独占販売権を要求[主張]する
paramount :最重要[優先]の
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Daily Routine

2013年12月15日 12時24分29秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :5 minutes

I wish I had enough time to be here today.
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Daily Routine

2013年12月14日 12時07分52秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking: a total of 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :5 minutes

Three years and six days in a row have passed since I kicked smoking.
I didn't do push-ups intentionally for the second straight day due to the pain
in my low back.
The pain is still here but I feel it's steadily getting milder.
I really feel the plaster containing フェブリナク(?) actually is working.
Honestly, I'm not sure Bufferin is working.^^;;;
Because the pain is now becoming rather weak, I've decided not to take Bufferin.
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2013年12月13日 17時12分49秒 | 日記


tout :~を褒めちぎる、~を大げさに宣伝する
graft :不正利得を得る、収賄する、汚職をする
procurator fiscal :検察官
flaunt :~を堂々と見せる、見せびらかす、誇示する、ひけらかす◆【類】show off
pounce :〔猛禽類などが〕~に襲い掛かる
griddle :グリドル[円形の鉄板](で焼く)
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Daily Routine

2013年12月13日 12時26分17秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking: a total of 120 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for three years and five days in a row.
I didn't do push-ups intentionally because the pain in my low back was here, and
still is here.
I feel the pain is getting milder and milder little by little, but I really hope
it'll have gone as soon as possible......if possible, now.
It's very cold in Nagoya with temperatures of around 6 degrees which are typical
in midwinter...All the more, I have to be careful about the pain.
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