kuringo's Blog



2021年12月12日 13時22分03秒 | 日記


narrative :〔文学作品の〕物語部
calligraphy :カリグラフィー、書道
diagram :〔構造などを説明するための〕略図
memorial day :記念日
copybook :習字の手本帳
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Daily Routine

2021年12月12日 10時26分08秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :50 minutes
Standing on one foot :11 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :16 minutes

I have been able to be a non-smoker for eleven years and
three days in a row.
I was able to increase the number of push-ups by just
one time to 22 times and kept over 9-time push-ups for
the one year and three hundred and fifty-second straight

It is pretty cloudy in Nagoya now and it is a little dark.
It looks like it might start raining after a while.
This morning's lowest temperature was 6.7 degrees, which
was pretty warmer than usual since it is about 3 degrees
higher than average year.
I have to get mentally prepared for the forecast winter
cold which starts tomorrow.
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