kuringo's Blog



2016年05月18日 18時25分17秒 | 日記


willy-nilly :なかなか決心できない、決断力のない、ためらう、優柔不断の
high and dry :《be ~》〔船が〕岸に乗り上げている、〔人が〕見捨てられている
clear one's head :頭をすっきりさせる、気持ちが整理される、気分が晴れる
quell :~を鎮める、〔暴動・反乱を〕鎮圧する、止める、抑えつける、抑える、和らげる
lightheartedly :快活に、陽気に、楽天的に、気軽に、気楽に、のんきに、何の苦労もなく
quick and responsive to one's customers :《be ~》顧客にテキパキと対応する
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Daily Routine

2016年05月18日 12時47分11秒 | 日記
Push-ups:21 times
Walking:40+40=1 hour 20 minutes
Standing on one foot :6 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for five years and 161 days in a row.
I tried increasing the number of push-ups by no more than one time to 21 times
and I hope to keep this level as long as possible.

It's greatly sunny and very crisp just like the best season of May in Japan.
The sunlight is shining down on from the steep angle.
On such a nice day, I'd like to do a walking, but actually, I have to
stop it today after yesterday's total of 80-minute walking.
Anyway, I'd like to spend this precious break meaningfully.
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