

Dr. Myhill のサイトから(線維筋痛症)

2015-01-14 | マイヒル医師(慢性疲労症候群)
線維筋痛症 原因の考察と治療法の提案


I suspect that in fibromyalgia there is an inappropriate switch from aerobic mitochondrial production of energy (via oxidative phosphorylation) to glycolysis (very inefficient anaerobic production of energy, not requiring oxygen, but with a large build up of lactic acid). Lactic acid in the short term causes immediate muscle pain. Normally this is remedied by the person slowing down or stopping because of that pain, cells switch back into aerobic metabolism and the lactic acid is quickly cleared away and got rid of. All athletes know that when they stop running the horrible painful sensation in their legs will be gone within a few seconds or minutes.






2015-01-13 | 治療法など

私は、2013年の夏に、両親と一緒に、スイスにあるパラケルスス病院(Paracelsus Clinic)へ行きました。今は、その頃から比べると良くなっています。

もし可能なら、あなたもスイスのパラケルスス病院か、ドイツの Christoph Plothe 先生のところへ行ってください。







2015-01-12 | ガーダシル症例
Sanevax のコメントから



Thank you, everyone, for passing along your research information. My daugher had the Gardasil vaccination in 2007-08 (one of the first groups to receive it). She was 12 at that time. She began having increasing symptoms 1 year ago (Jan, 2014) and was 19 years of age at that time. We would’ve never put 2 and 2 together if it weren’t for a family member who had read an article about adverse effects of Gardasil.

In retrospect, she had a fainting episode in school the same year she received the vaccine; she developed messenteric lymphadenitis (rare, very painful condition) shortly after, as well as iron deficiency anemia.

Now, over the past year, she has had symptoms that seem to ‘migrate’ around her whole body. She suffers everyday (with the exception of maybe 1 good day here and there) from nausea and/or vomiting, stomach pain, easy bruising (i.e. just from her knees touching when asleep or sitting on a firm chair for 30 minutes), CNS problems – tingling and numbness in extremities, face, nose, lips; poor memory and concentration, balance and coordination problems, temperature intolerance (both hot and cold), sun sensitivity, heart palpitations/racing heartbeat while at rest, stomach fluttering/spasm (visibly noticeable), panic attacks, social anxiety, increased depression, ‘brain fog,’ confusion, dizziness, drenching sweats 2-3 times a day, low-grade fevers every night, orthostatic hypotension/near blackout upon standing, insomia/sleep cycle reversed (cannot sleep at night; only during the day), and was recently diagnosed with low vitamin B12, now requiring weekly injections. We were informed that there has to be an underlying cause that she is not aborbing vit B12, so now onto another specialist (5 so far). We were actually relieved to finally have an abnormal test result, but still it does not answer the question of why she is vit B12 deficient.

She was unable to finish spring semester of her 1st year in college due to her debilitating condition; she cannot work, is weak, fatigued and nauseous nearly 24/7, sleeps 12-14 hours a day and is still tired and fatigued. She is now anorexic; has lost 30 lbs (so far, still losing) because of absolutely no appetite and nausea/vomiting. The only way she is able to eat and have some relief from the nausea is the use of marijuana. Zofran (anti-emetic) doesn’t even relieve the nausea.

When mentioning the Gardasil controversy to her doctor, she said she hadn’t heard anything about it. How could a female physician not know anything about it? So, I am copying, pasting and printing all the information I’ve been finding through the reports of others so I have documentation of such, and to be taken seriously when questioning this vaccine in relationship to her symptoms.

Again, thank you, all, for reporting. That will be my next step, as well. The more people that come forward, the more ‘proof’ that this vaccination is unnecessary, unsafe, and even dangerous.


2015-01-09 | ガーダシル症例


コメント欄 Kristy Cheers


症例(ガーダシル)2 アメリカ ニコル

2015-01-07 | ガーダシル症例


2011年1月29日、私は婚約者と一緒に、経口避妊薬について相談しに婦人科の診察に行き、HPVガーダシルワクチンの1回目の注射を受けました。ワクチンが大切なことだと信じていました。事前にワクチンやガーダシルについて自分で調べることはしませんでした。それは「保健医療」システムの一端だと信じていたのです。 私はコマーシャルを見ましたし、子宮頸がんに罹らない「救われた少女の1人」になりたかったのです。成分も、HPVや子宮頸がんの本当の統計も、どのくらい長く研究や試験がなされたのかも知りませんでした。ワクチンについては何も知りませんでしたが、医者を信頼していました。










写真 左:2010年12月の私、ガーダシルの1ヶ月前。
















改善し続けることには、健康な生活習慣が重要です。栄養、ビタミン、薬用ハーブ、サプリメント、定期的なカイロプラクティックなアジャストメント、環境からできるかぎり毒物を取り除くこと、できるだけたくさんの動き、体操、歩行、ストレッチングをすることにより、私はゆっくりと改善しています。また、コーヒー浣腸剤を使い、アルカリ化水を飲んでいます(大量に)。私の身体は、今やっと、ガーダシルが犯した残虐行為から立ち直るのに必要な軌道に乗っていると思われます。 痛みとエネルギーレベルは毎日違いますが、もっと悪くなっていた可能性をわかっているので、私は受けた恩恵に焦点をあてて生活しています。





2015-01-05 | ガーダシル症例

Further, I attend Chiropractic care twice per week. My Chiropractor is a doctor with extensive experience and serves to readjust my spine and stimulate the nervous system and the cerebellum.



vaers 肝性脳症

2015-01-05 | 資料


メルク医学百科 肝性脳症 へのリンク

vaers における 急性肝不全、肝性昏睡の症例
vaers における急性肝不全の症例
vaers における急性肝不全による死亡の症例 (詳細なし)
vaers において、HPVV後「黄疸」を報告している症例 31件

vaers 若年性特発性関節炎

2015-01-04 | 資料





症例(サーバリックス)29 フィリピン ジェニー

2015-01-04 | サーバリックス症例


ジェニー・レッド フィリピン





私の仕事場で、ヘルス&ウェルネス・プログラムの一環として特別料金でサーバリックスを提供していました。フィリビンでのサーバリックス 注射はとても高額ですので、わたしたちのほとんどがこの特別料金での提供を受けることにしました。








最初の神経内科医は、MRA(核磁気共鳴血管撮影)とMRI (磁気共鳴断層撮影)をとるように言いました。医師は、血栓症か動脈瘤を疑っておりましたが、MRAとMRI の結果に何の異常もみつかりませんでした。それから、血管造影図をとったらどうかと言いました。



私の2番目の神経内科医は、私の症例を検討して、MRV (静脈造影)をとったか聞きました。また、アルコキシア(Arcoxia )とリリカ(Lyrica)を処方しました。 MRV の結果にも、何も異常がみえませんでした。それで、首のX線をとるよういいました。








SaneVax.Inc のコメントから

2015-01-03 | ガーダシル症例
Anika- Look at this article: http://sanevax.org/gardasil-and-bartonella-a-dirty-little-secret/. The symptoms below are the ones from your list that are symptoms of Bartonella. The article explains how the vaccine can trigger this latent infection. I know about it because I have it AND most of those symptoms. The pain in the soles of the feet (BAD!), along with gastritis and heartburn, burning pain all over the body (that can move around!), eye issues, pain in the legs and loss of muscular strength are major ones! Find a doctor who will test you for Bartonella! (My heart goes out to you Anika!!!!) Here is a Facebook group that is great and can help you understand… https://www.facebook.com/groups/405030996206293/
◾Constant nausea
◾Constant changing heart rate
◾Burning pain in the body
◾Constant heartburn
◾Pain in the stomach
◾A lot of pain in the legs
◾A lot of pain the sole of my foot
◾Loss of strength in the muscles
◾Very painful periods including heavy bleeding
◾Visual disorders in the left eye


医療専門家リスト (Sanevaxより)

2015-01-02 | 治療法など



HealthWise Clinical Nutrition

Dr. Mark Flannery, Woodland Hills, California (フラナリー先生)

Dr. Mark Flannery is a functional medicine practitioner and clinical nutritionist who has helped Gardasil victims from around the world. Based in the Los Angeles area, he consults long distance with his patients and uses the most cutting-edge, scientifically backed methods to support a return to wellness.

Functional medicine focuses on correcting physiological function versus overriding the problem with drugs or surgery. Because vaccine injury typically triggers brain inflammation, functional medicine offers many tools to tame brain inflammation and restore neurological and metabolic function.

Other principles of functional medicine Dr. Flannery uses for vaccine injury include regulating the immune response, repairing the immune barriers, balancing hormone function, and supporting neurological function.

Although Dr. Flannery provides professional, experienced guidance using some of the most advanced lab testing today, success in recovering from a vaccine injury depends primarily upon the patient. Recommendations include dietary and lifestyle changes that initially can seem drastic. For example, eliminating common and well-loved foods may be necessary to reduce inflammation and allow neurological function to return. The patient may also need to follow a customized nutritional therapy protocol that includes specific nutraceuticals.

Although it has been heartbreaking for Dr. Flannery to witness the physical, emotional, and financial toll this vaccine has brought upon so many families, it also has been extremely rewarding for him to help so many young people get their lives back.
Please visit his website at: http://drflannery.com/services/gardisil-vaccine-damage-treatment/
Call for information at: 818-704-5685
Via Skype – healthwise.office

Dr. David Clark, Dallas Texas (クラーク先生)

In 2005 Dr. Clark became one of less than 1,000 board-certified Chiropractic Neurologists in the world. Chiropractic Neurology is the newest, state of the art diagnostic and treatment technique. It brings together current research findings from fields such as psychology, neuropsychiatry, neurology, neurophysiology and nutrition―and uses this knowlege to bring hope to the sick, unhappy and hurting of all ages.

Dr. Clark combines functional neurology, endocrinology, blood chemistry analysis, immunology, vestibular rehabilitation and clinical nutrition to treat the patient, not their symptoms.
View his website here.
Call for information at: 214-341-3737

Hyperbaric Medical Treatment Center of New Mexico

Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller

The Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico―a place where you and your family can find answers and hope for your child with brain injury or developmental issues.

Dr. Stoller is currently consulting on patients with brain injury and children misdiagnosed as having autism, PDD-NOS, ADHD, etc. These labels are incorrect in most cases as affected children have a mitochondrial dysfunction and damaged detoxification kinetics. It would be better to call what they have Mitochondrial Neuro-Gastro-Immune Encephalopathy/Encephalomyopathy (MNE). Dr. Stoller will not be the primary care physician for your child, but many times will work with your primary care physician to provide the best possible care for your child.

Dr. Stoller has personally overseen the treatment of a young girl left with serious brain injury after Gardasil vaccination. This girl has recovered more than half of her original abilities.
View his website here.
Call for information at: 505-955-8560

Natural Healing & Wellness Center, St. George Utah

Dr. Lyman, Dr. Graf, and Dr. Scott

The physicians and staff at the Natural Healing & Wellness Center believe optimal wellness requires you to be a proactive agent for your body. You need to treat it well and not wait until you hurt before you decide to take care of it. Health is not merely the absence of disease any more than wealth is an absence of poverty. Health is not simply ‘feeling fine’, for we know that problems may progress for years without causing any symptoms whatsoever.

This clinic was referred to SaneVax by a young woman suffering from severe adverse effects after vaccination with Gardasil. She was pleased enough with her treatment here that she went the extra mile to refer them to the SaneVax team.
Visit their website here.
Call for information at: 435-674-5454

Christof Plothe, DO, BSc. OST, HONS, MRO, DPO, HP, Germany (ドイツの先生)

Christof Plothe is an Osteopath and Naturopath who is treating HPV vaccine victims from all over Europe. His focus is on scientific research into the mechanisms of actions regarding the potential side effects of vaccines, hoping to discover more effective treatment models.

He is in touch with Researchers and Practitioners from all over the world working to establish integrative treatment modalities. All of which start from nutrition, orthomolecular agents, detoxification concepts, gut specific treatments, neurological protection, anti-inflammatory agents, herbs, isobathic dilutions, etc..

Tests he uses in his clinic include genotype testing, inflammatory markers, specific antibody testing, testing specific immune response to the vaccine, specific GUT test, food sensitivities, etc…

His prior work Involved integrative models of medicine. He was cofounder of a Society Which Involved leading researchers, holistic dentists and medical practitioners from various disciplines. He has published books and DVDs on the subject and appeared on TV, Radio and Film explaining his work.

He is the founder of an HPV Vaccine Website in Germany with the hope of generating awareness that the relationship of the symptoms of so many young women can be traced back to HPV vaccine reactions. He also hopes to gain additional insights into effective treatment modalities.
Contact Christof Plothe via email at plothe@ostmed.net
Christof Plothe, DO, Bsc., OST, HONS, MRO, DPO, HP
Praxis für Biophysical Osteopathy
Bleichstrasse 21
55232 Alzey

Real Child Center

Mary Coyle, DIHom

Mary Coyle is a certified homeopathic practitioner who consults with families of children with chronic health issues for over 10 years. Applying the model of Homotoxicology, Mary explains the benefits of using European drainage remedies, low-potency homeopathic detoxification remedies, and supplementation to assist the body in regaining health. She has a practice in New York City, and has presented at Autism One, National Autism Organization – NYC, LIA, and TACA. Mary has also hosted a radio show on Autism One Radio on the benefits of Homotoxicology.

Website: Realchildcenter.com

Arcanum Wholistic Clinic

Saint John/Ottawa
Jeff Korentayer, DMH, and Allyson McQuinn DHHP practice together at Arcanum Wholistic Clinic, where they use the advanced system of natural medicine called ‘Heilkunst’, which includes a sequential homeopathic approach to the removal of biological and psychological shocks and traumas. These protocols include a thorough approach to the removal of vaccine shocks, as well as any medical condition which has arisen as a result (such as autism, for example). Not only are the specific toxins of the vaccines addressed, but also the underlying genetic disease tendencies which are often activated by vaccinosis. They also offer a safe and effective protocol of alternative homeopathic vaccinations (homoprophylaxis) to parents who choose to avoid the conventional shots. They see patients at their clinic, or by phone or Skype.
You can visit their clinic website here : http://www.arcanum.ca
Call for information at : 1-877-233-0779
Alan Freestone Bsc.Hons (Homeopathy) LCHE.
London, UK & worldwide

Alan is a homeopath with personal experience in recovering from vaccine-damage. He now specialises in treating children on the autistic spectrum, 70% of which he believes to be vaccine-injured. The vaccine-detox protocol that he developed can also be used to treat HPV vaccine-damage gently and effectively, by removing the toxins and often repairing any damage caused. With HPV vaccine-damage cases, he typically sees rapid improvements in symptoms within a few months.

Alan has clinics in both Central London and Clapham Junction, but has clients all over the world that he treats over Skype and Facetime.

To schedule a FREE Skype chat to discuss your child’s case and his treatment methods further, please contact on: alan.homeopath@gmail.com
Please visit his informative website which has an active blog containing lots of useful information, as well as a growing testimonials page.


Anna Anderson LCHE.
Homeopath – Bromley, Kent, UK

Anna Anderson completed her training at the largest homeopathic college in London, The Centre for Homeopathic Education. She constantly continues to expand her education and understanding of health. Anna has been helping people for over 15 years using homeopathy. She operates a private practice in Kent and consults with people via Skype on a regular basis.

Her specialty lies in the treatment of children. Anna is particularly concerned with the ever increasing devastating effects of vaccination. She believes homeopathy can help detoxify and repair vaccine damage.

Working in the renowned homeopathic pharmacy, Helios London, Anna makes remedies to supply homeopaths all round the world as well as giving expert on the spot individual advice as people call in for help. Anna can offer a wealth of advice on how to treat your family using more natural methods.
Reach Anna:
Via phone at: 07833 591 060
email info@atouchofmedicine.com
visit her website at http//www.atouchofmedicine.com

Hippocrates Academy

Rebecca Carley, MD

Dr. Carley was trained as a surgeon, but left traditional medicine after her only child was brain damaged from vaccines. She started studying how vaccines corrupt the immune system, and came to realize that all autoimmune diseases, non-traumatic seizures, cancer and genetic damage, in people and in pets, are actually VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases; the biggest epidemic the world has ever known). She subsequently developed the Hippocrates Protocol which uses homeopathics and natural supplements to reduce the effects of vaccine injuries.

Dr. Carley no longer practices medicine, and does NOT give medical advice. Rather, she teaches her students what she would do if she were you after reviewing your individual history of assaults to your body’s immune system.
Visit Dr. Carley’s website here.
Call for consultation: 828-294-0662
Toll free from the US, Canada or the Caribbean: 888-321-6751
Via Skype – drcarley1

Dr. Sin Hang Lee, Milford CT

Sin Hang Lee M.D., F.R.C.P. (C), FCAP has over 50 years’ experience in general/surgical pathology and clinical microbiology. He is qualified to practice in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Dr. Lee is currently a practicing pathologist at Milford Hospital, in Milford CT, and the Director of Milford Medical Laboratory, which is an industry leader in the development of molecular diagnostic procedures. One of their goals is to facilitate the transfer of advanced PCR/direct DNA sequencing technology into community hospital laboratories.

Milford Medical Laboratory’s (MML) molecular diagnostics department has introduced the nation’s first routine DNA sequencing-based no-false positive HPV genotyping, Neisseria gonorrhoeae opa gene DNA amplification assay, and Chlamydia trachomatis cryptic plasmid DNA amplification assay for women’s health care management. MML also assists CLIA-certified laboratories establish their own in-house molecular sequencing programs.

Doctor Lee is quite concerned about the potentialo negative consequences of replacing an already safe and effective method of preventing cervical cancer with vaccinations that may, or may not be safe or effective. He will be happy to answer any questions on safe cervical cancer prevention methods. He is also available for advice on what to do should you experience an abnormal pap smear after HPV vaccination.

Please email any questions you may have to sanevax@gmail.com. We will forward them to Dr. Lee for his response.

Becca Millar, Glasgow Scotland


Becca has over fifteen year’s experience of working within the Health and Nutrition industry and has a BSc in Nutritional Medicine. She believes that good nutrition is the foundation of good physical and mental well being and maintains that, very often, just a few simple changes are all that are needed to bring the body back into balance, increasing energy and overall health.

The most common tests performed under her care are food sensitivity and hair testing. Food sensitivity testing consists of allergy and intolerance testing which speeds up the identification of possible food and inhalant allergens that may be contributing to a variety of health symptoms. Hair testing consists of a mineral analysis to provide indications of imbalances, deficiencies or excesses of essential minerals and toxic metals. It also acts as an excellent indicator of many metabolic processes occurring within the body.

Functional testing of blood, urine and saliva using the most up-to-date technology can sometimes help to get to the root of a persons health problems very quickly by identifying imbalances and dysfunctions in normal physiology.

Becca works closely with clients on a one to one basis, either within one of her city centre clinics or at their home, to tailor programmes that meet their individual needs and gain maximum results.

Visit her website here.

Laura Murphy, Spain

Laura is a Biologist and a practitioner of Natural Medicine, she is a qualified Naturopath, Homeopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist. Her passion is natural medicine, especially in regard to cancer, but, the scientist in her likes to see the evidence.

Laura gives lectures and educational seminars worldwide in addition to treating patients. She handles many consultations and referrals via phone.