

抗NMDA受容体脳炎 アメリカ 2008年

2018-07-27 | ガーダシル症例


 13歳 女性 コロラド州




2ヵ月入院 医師から再発の可能性があると言われてた

Vaccinated: 2008-08-08
Onset: 2008-09-01
   Days after vaccination: 24
Submitted: 2009-03-05
   Days after onset: 185
Entered: 2009-03-06
   Days after submission: 1
Vaccin­ation / Manu­facturer Lot / Dose Site / Route

Diagnostic Lab Data: Unknown LABS: EEG abnormal. MRI WNL. Repeat LP done 10/3: wbc 42(H), protein & glucose (N), c/s neg. Initial CSF: WBC 142(H), RBC 5, neutros 2, lymphs 92, monos 6, glucose 54, protein 34, c/s neg. CBC: WBC 6900, neutros 62, bands 1, lymphs 27, monos 10. CMP. Urine drug screen neg. CRP & ESR WNL. EBV IgM 1.161(H)

Write-up: Information has been received from a physician concerning a female patient who in July or August of 2008, was vaccinated with her second dose of GARDASIL. In September 2008, the patient had NMDA antibody receptor and encephalitis. Drug treatment was required. The patient presented at the emergency room and was hospitalized for 2 months. At the time of reporting the patient was recovering from the NMDA antibody receptor encephalitis. The patient was told that she could have recurring episodes. It was unknown if there would be significant disability. Additional information has been requested. 4/24/09 Received hospital medical records of 9/29-11/25/2008. FINAL DX: NMDA receptor positive encephalopathy; delerium; g-tube placement; left brachiocephalic IVC clot associated w/PICC line placement; antiphospholipid antibodies. Records reveal patient symptoms noted in outlying ER in addition to aggression began approx 5 days prior. Course waxed & waned w/intermittent decreased alertness & delerium, decreased O2 sats & was in/out of PICU. Tx w/IVIG x 5 days, steroids, IV antibiotics/antivirals, plasmaphersis x 4 days, antineoplastics, feeding tube placement & anticoagulants. Neuro, Rheum & Psych consult done. Slowly improved & d/c to home w/PCP, Thrombophilia, Rheum, REhab & surgery clinic appts. 4/7/09 Received hospital medical records of 9/27-9/29/2008. FINAL DX: probable encephalitis Records reveal patient experienced acute confusion, mental status change, repetitive garbled speech then aphasia, excitable. In hospital had alternating periods of quiescence & agitation, speech garbled, perseverating, neologisms & frequently aphasic. ID & Neuro consults done. Transferred to higher level of care.

