MITIS 水野通訳翻訳研究所ブログ

Mizuno Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies


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2006年02月11日 | 翻訳研究


Universite de Bretagne Sud, Lorient, France
Thursday 6th July - Saturday 8th July 2006

Translation is part and parcel of our modern worlds where all sorts of communities characterized by the use of different languages come into contact and exchange. The individual is not alone but participates in and contributes to the construction of several communities.
In the past years, the focus in translation conferences has been mainly on identity. The topic is fascinating but could induce us to think that identity is restricted to the individual or just one social affiliation. In fact, sociology shows us that human beings are social members and agents of different groups at the same time. What this conference aims to do is to trigger reflection on the way in which frontiers between communities are negotiated in translation.

The working languages are French and English.The deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 28th 2006. Participants intending to give a paper should email an abstract of 600 words maximum as an attached file (MSWord format or RTF) to

The maximum number of papers is 40. Proposals will be assessed by the scientific committee on the basis of their relevance to the conference's topic.
The scientific committee will return its decision around March 31st 2006.

Annie BRISSET, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Paul BANDIA, Concordia University, Canada.
Michael CRONIN, Dublin City University, Ireland.
Sherry SIMON, Concordia University, Canada.
Maria TYMOCZKO, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.

For further details concerning registration, conference fees, accommodation, transport and the social programme, please contact: Prof. Jean PEETERS, Departement d'anglais, Universite de Bretagne Sud, 4 rue Jean Zay, F - 56 100 Lorient,
The conference website will soon be available at


Michael Cronin (DCU, Dublin City University, Ireland), Deborah Folaron (Concordia University, Quebec, Canada), Yves Gambier (University of Turku, Finland), Daniel Gouadec (Universite de Rennes II, France) and Daniel Simeoni (York University, Toronto, Canada) cordially invite you to participate in the international conference:

Date: 8-10 March 2007
Place: Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 
Conference Languages: English, French (no interpretation)

Both fixed and mobile technologies have set in motion changes that have inspired new directions and transformed the ways we perceive, learn, work, and get our information and entertainment. In translation, they have reshuffled organisational and professional points of reference, values and habits, and prompted shifts in approaches to our work, professional relations, productivity and methods of research. Can we reason effectively about these technologies? To what degree can we/should we accept the technologisation of our work practices? To what extent does this technologisation affect the translation and adaptation (transadaptation) of content envisioned to compensate for linguistic and cultural differences? The investigative and deliberately broad nature of this call for contributions aims to encourage open discussion and critical engagement with issues that have emerged in translation as technology has interacted and interfaced with the transfer of language and culture.

- Grasp the nature, magnitude, stakes and consequences of the transformations brought about by information and communications technologies (ICTs) in the realm of “translation” as professional practice, as an object of research, and as the subject of training and education
- Interrogate how and to what extent the technologisation of translation has modified and will continue to modify concepts, models, categories, assumptions, and methodologies in Translation Studies 
- Propose new directions for research (themes, organisation)

- Abstracts (300-400 words) and proposals for round tables (with objectives and justifications, specific problems to be debated, names of panelists envisioned, etc.): accepted until 31 May 2006
- Acceptance or rejection of abstracts and round table proposals: by 31 July 2006
- Second circular (with registration form, prices, hotel list, etc.): October 2006
- Third circular: February 2007

- Concordia University: Debbie Folaron
Postal Address: 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, LB 631-7
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel. +1 514 848-2424, ext.7516
Fax +1 514 848-4542
- University of Turku: Yves Gambier
Postal Address: Koskenniemenkatu 4
20500 Turku, Finland 
Tel. +358-2-333 8725
Fax +358-2-333-8730

Conference Web site (with objectives, calendar, scientific committee, organisational committee, and support staff):  Accessible at the end of March 2006.


2006年02月09日 | 通訳研究


6月9日(金)に日本人工知能学会全国大会の、オーガナイズド・セッションの4.「異文化コラボレーションとAI」で招待講演をします。タイトルは「異文化コラボレーションと同時通訳」。(中身はこれから考えます。場所は江戸川区の船堀というとこのタワーホール船堀(江戸川区民ホール)船堀ってどこなんでしょうか。)このセッションでは他に、「多言語コミュニケーションツールの異文化間対面協調作業への適用」、「翻訳機を介して相互理解を構築するときの難点について」、「異なる視点に基づいた共同問題解決過程 -- 発話プロトコル分析による検討」、「問題解決対話における交渉戦略の異文化比較」、「言語グリッド(Language Grid)の構想 -- 異文化コラボレーション基盤の構築を目指して--」などの発表があります。皆さんどちらかというと理系ですねえ。興味のある人は来て下さい。日本人工知能学会の略称はJSAIなんですね。通訳学会はJAIS。

English Express (朝日出版社)の四月号の特集のためにリーディングの記事を書きました。かなり長めで10ページは軽く超えてしまいます。今リーディング(読解)について考えていること(理論)をもとにして一般読者向けに練習問題込みで書くとこんな感じになります。(リンク先はまだ3月号のお知らせ。)
