
東山三十六峰 月を賞で 雪を楽しみ 花に酔う

Basho Haiku 奥の細道

2012年01月12日 | Weblog
                   The ancient pond A frog leaps in The sound of the water

          Oku no Hosomichi

          Basho Matsuo (1644~1694)

          Translated by Donald Lawrence Keene

1689.3.27     行春や鳥啼魚の目ハ泪

          Spring departing - the birds cry out and the eyes of the fish are full of tears

1689.4.1      あらたふと青葉若葉の日の光

          How awe-inspiring! On the green leaves, the young leaves - The light of the sun

1689.4.20     田一枚植えて立去る柳かな

          They sowed a whole field, And only then did I leave Saigyo's willow tree

1689.5.13     夏艸や兵共が夢の跡

          The summer grasses - Of brave soldiers' dreams - The aftermath

1689.5.17     蚤虱馬の尿する枕もと

          Plagued by fleas and lice, I hear the horses stalling Right by my pillow

1689.5.27     閑さや岩にしみ入蝉の声

          How still it is here Stinging into the stones, The locust's trill

1689.7.4      荒海や佐渡によこたふ天河

          Turbulent the sea - across to Sado stretches the Milky Way

1689.7.13     一家に遊女も寐たり萩と月

          Under the same roof Prostitutes were sleeping - The moon and clover

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