

The Chosun Dynasty 2

2013年10月18日 | トーストマスターズ
Do you watch Korean dramas on TV?
I am definitely fond of Korean historical dramas such as Dong-Yi or I-San.
These dramas illustrate the character of the Chosun dynasty through success story of heroine Choi Dong Yi(崔同伊) or hero I San(李蒜).
You may have not enough time to watch TV, let me introduce a brief background about the Chosun Dynasty.

The Dynasty was founded by Taejo Yi Seong-gye(太祖李成桂) that lasted for approximately five centuries. It was founded in the aftermath of the overthrow of the Goryeo(高麗) which capital city was Kaesong(開城), now in North Korea. Then the capital was relocated to Seoul by Chosun dynasty.
27 kings dominated the country. Dong Yi was one of the second wives of the 19th King Suk Jong or hero I San, the 22nd King Jeong Jo.

They faced with internal strife, power struggles, international pressure and rebellions at home. Thus all the kings from Lee’s family were very sensitive to the plots for the assassination especially by poisoning. Because it was an easy and popular way to mixt poison into the meal for the king. To prevent from this attempt the king’s family used silver chopsticks so that they could find out the poison by seeing the changes of color on them.
This is a reason Koreans use metal chopsticks when they eat meals.

The Chosun's rule of Confucian ideas and doctorines has left a substantial legacy on the modern face of Korea; much of modern Korean etiquette, cultural norms, societal attitudes towards current issues.
Hangul of Korean alphabets was invented in this period by the fourth King Se Jong.Hangul is a true alphabet of 24 consonant and vowel letters 2 less than that of English and 68 less than Hiragana/ katakana of Japanese.
Hangul became increasingly popular after the Second World War and now Chinese characters are rarely used in the daily life in Korea.
Look at this Korean newspaper, you may find few Chinese Characters.

Learn more about Korean culture and history and enjoy watching the Hanryu dramas
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