喝! ~since 2005~

I'm sore all over from marathon. In the first place, I don't know why I was going to run in this marathon festival held in SyowanomoriKinenkouen but it was refreshed me from daily hard work. The distance I have to run was only 3 kilometers long but I didn't do sport or something, when I finished running, I didn't have a feeling I want to talk team members.

This matrathon festival reminded me of when I run in Tsukuba marathon. I'm
sure Tsukuba marathon was held in this season and I prepaired for it to buy oxygen tablets and practice running rehaeasal course. I guess for a while but marathon is really hard! I think I was great because I finished running 42.195 kilometer. Can I finish running that distance? Maybe the answer is NO... I felt my stamina is more and more down but I don't do sports at all. This is my mental problem whether I start sports or not because I have enough time to do something! But because it became cold recently , so I think it is hard situation I move my body...

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