

2015年12月10日 | O60→70(オーバー70歳)







On 29 November, I prepared a manuscript, but I could not speak even half of it.

▼ Today, as a member of the organising committee, I would like to thank everyone from Nasushiobara in Tochigi Prefecture to the north and Aikawa-cho, Aiko-gun in Kanagawa Prefecture to the west, as well as those living in Chiba, Saitama, Tokyo and Kanagawa, for attending the Jyoyo Elementary School Class Reunion in Tokyo, as we have done in the past year.

I used to say that, according to today's medical standards, we have the possibility of living to be 100 years old, so let's aim to live a long and healthy life, keeping our legs and backs strong and healthy.
This year, I injured my left leg in June and had to take two weeks off work to undergo in-patient treatment.

▼ Apart from my foot, I assumed that all I had to do was take precautions against pre-diabetes.
However, on 4 November, when I was almost at the end of my working day, I developed severe pain in my right side and was urgently hospitalised for gallbladder inflammation After two weeks of hospitalisation, I spent a week After two weeks in hospital, I spent a week recovering at home and have just recently returned to work on 25 November.

I am happy to say that I was able to attend the class reunion and meet everyone, although I still have a tube in my abdomen.

▼ Having said that, the pain from the gallbladder infection has subsided, but my gall bladder is ruined.
Early in December, after a gastroscopy, MRI and CT scan, I will be readmitted to hospital to have my gall bladder removed. I will be discharged from hospital by the end of this year.
I will be discharged from hospital by the end of this year, and after a relaxing end-of-year rest at home, I am looking forward to a healthy New Year.

So I have been told by my doctor that I am not allowed to drink alcohol or eat greasy food, so I will not be able to drink or eat today.
You are all allowed to drink as much as you want, so I would appreciate it if you could drink as much as I can. I look forward to working with you all today.

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