

ソフトウェアライセンス契約 その2

2021-08-26 10:32:42 | 商事法務
〇 Reports on Number of User and Other Information
1) For distributions of User Programs by Licensee to User, Licensee shall provide Licensor, by no later than the end of the following month, monthly report detailing the number of Registered User of each month.
2) Licensor will calculate the amount of License Fee and support fees stipulated in the Section x in accordance with the formula mentioned in the schedule specified in Exhibit xx.
3) If Licensor wants to get other information (about system access authority and others), Licensor shall specify the type of the information and request Licensee to provide. Licensee shall furnish such information to Licensor within a reasonable period of time.

〇 Review of Licensee’s Compliance with the Agreement
Licensor may review Licensee’s compliance with this Agreement. Licensee agrees to provide Licensor with relevant records, particularly those relating to payments and the basis for payments, on request, and Licensee agrees to maintain such records for a period of two (2) years after the end of this Agreement. The review of Licensee's relevant records will be conducted at Licensor’s sole expense during Licensee’s normal business hours upon prior written notice to Licensee. Licensor will conduct no more than one such review in any half-year period. If any errors are found during the course of any review, Licensor and Licensee shall discuss in good faith as to such errors. Licensor will treat any information that Licensor obtains from the documents provided to or reviewed by Licensor as Licensee’s Confidential Information.

〇 Ownership
1) Licensor represents and warrants to Licensee that Licensor has independently developed all the Software Packages including the Documentation thereof and confirms that the Software Packages do not include any unauthorized software.
2) Licensee acknowledges and agrees that: (a) the Software Packages are protected under copyright and other laws and international treaty provisions; (b) Licensor retains all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the Software Packages; (c) there are no implied licenses under this Agreement, and any rights not expressly granted to Licensee hereunder are reserved by Licensor; and (d) Licensee acquires no ownership or other interest, other than those rights explicitly stipulated in this Agreement, in or to the Software Packages.

1) Licensor represents and warrants to Licensee that the Software Packages do not infringe any third party’s patent, copyright, trade secret and/or other intellectual property rights and has the authority to grant license, based on the rights and interest it holds, in accordance with the provisions of Section xx hereof.
2) Licensor warrants that the Software Packages, if operated as instructed by Licensor, will substantially achieve the functionality described in the Documentation in all material respects.
3) Licensor represents and warrants to Licensee that the Software Packages are free from any viruses, Trojan horse, any malicious and/or harmful programs, provided, however, that Licensor is not responsible for any viruses, Trojan horse, any malicious and/or harmful programs if these programs would be installed to User’s PC to damage, destroy or infect the Software Packages by any third party and/or User.
4) Licensor will not warrant that the Software Packages are free from bug and/or defects, and/or have no difference between the Software Packages and Documentation and Licensor does not warrant that the Software Packages conform fully to the requirements and purpose of User. Licensee must report warranty claims to Licensor as soon as possible when they are found.
5) Licensee’s remedy for any breach of the representations and/or warranties in this Section by Licensor shall be, at Licensor’s option, (i) to make bug-fix, repair or replace the defective Software Packages; (ii) to provide Licensee with a reasonable workaround so that the Software Packages substantially achieves the functionality described in the Documentation. Repaired, corrected, or replaced Software Packages (including Documentation) shall be covered by this limited warranty.
6) Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, Licensor makes no other express, implied or statutory warranty and expressly disclaim all warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
ここの書き方は、米国ではよくあるケースですね。Uniform Commercial Codeの2条に定める性能・品質保証の考え方です。詳しくは2011年3月12日Blog 英文契約のExpress & Implied Warrantyをご参照ください。(https://blog.goo.ne.jp/masaru320/m/201103)

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