

米国銀行との担保付取引 その1

2020-11-02 09:40:42 | 商事法務
〇 以前、買収企業に求められる劣後債権契約として、買収日に被買収企業との間で親子ローンを実行し、合わせて被買収企業が銀行と結んでいるローン契約と親子間との優劣について、劣後ローン(Subordination Loan Agreement)である旨、更に銀行と買収企業のローンとの優劣を定める債権者間の契約(Intercreditor Agreement)を結ばされる例を挙げました。
(買収企業に求められる劣後債権契約 20190112 https://blog.goo.ne.jp/masaru320/e/22f9ee850aa4feafb0aa40d5609191fe)

〇 当然銀行との取引ですので、親会社の保証とか求められますが、被買収企業が銀行と結んでいるLoan and Security Agreementの中のSecurity Agreementの部分について少し記載してみましょう。米国では、日本よりはるかに担保付取引が発達していますね。その規制の内容はUCC Article 9 Secured Transactionsに規定しています(=担保付取引に適用。不動産担保取引は、各州の独自性・歴史的経緯もあり、どうも州ごとにいろいろ違いがあるようですので、よくわからないです。米国では不動産業でも、賃借人に貸してどれだけのフロー収益があるかCash Flowで利回りを計算しますので、値上がりを期待する日本の発想は少なさそう)。そこで契約書の例文を挙げて、その内容を検討してみましょう。

〇 金融機関などとの契約では、UCC Article 9 Secured Transactionsの用語の定義や概念を理解していないとわからないですね。ということで、例文中に用語の意味を加えています。
例文Security Interests in Personal Property (簡略化した文章にしています)
Security Interest(担保権). (a) As security for the payment in full of the Obligations, each Grantor hereby assigns and pledges to the Administrative Agent, for the benefit of the other Secured Parties(担保権者), and hereby grants to the Administrative Agent, for the benefit of the other Secured Parties, a security interest (the "Security Interest") in, all right, title or interest in or to any and all of the following assets and properties now owned or at any time hereafter acquired by such Grantor or in which such Grantor now has or at any time in the future may acquire any right, title or interest:(現有のもののみならず、将来生じるものを含んでいます。この「もの」とは、日本の民法に定義する物=有体物よりも広い概念で、無体物を含みます)

(i) all Accounts(売掛債権); (ii)all Chattel Paper(動産抵当証書); (iii) all Deposit Accounts(銀行預金); (iv) all Documents(権原証券); (v) all Equipment(設備); (vi) all General Intangibles (その他の無体物); (vii) all Instruments(流通証券); (viii) all Inventory; (ix) all Investment Property (投資資産); (x) letter of credit rights(Intangiblesの一つ); (xi) commercial tort claims listed on Schedule V(商事不法行為に基づく損害賠償請求権); (xii) all books and records pertaining to the Article x Collateral(担保目的物); and (xiii) to the extent not otherwise included, all Proceeds (担保目的物の処分をしたときに得られる対価等)and products of any and all of the foregoing and all collateral security and guarantees given by any Person with respect to any of the foregoing, --

Grantor’s Representations and Warranties.
---- Each Perfection (担保権の完成)Certificate has been duly prepared, completed and executed and the information set forth therein is correct and complete, in all material respects, as of the Effective Date, except as specified in schedules attached to Supplements hereto, a certificate delivered prior to the date hereof pursuant to Section 5.01(c) or 5.03(b) of the Credit Agreement or in the schedules attached hereto, all of which have been duly prepared, completed and executed. The Uniform Commercial Code financing statements (担保目的物を記載した貸付証書の事。financial statementではないですね)or other appropriate filings, recordings or registrations prepared by the Administrative Agent based upon the information provided to the Administrative Agent by such Grantor in the Perfection Certificate for filing in each governmental, municipal or other office specified in Schedule 2 to the Perfection Certificate, are all the filings, recordings and registrations that are necessary to publish notice of and protect the validity of and to establish a legal, valid and perfected security interest in favor of the Administrative Agent, for the benefit of the other Secured Parties, in respect of all of such Grantor's Article x Collateral (担保目的物)in which the Security Interest may be perfected by filing, recording or registration in the United States and its territories and possessions, and no further or subsequent filing, refiling, recording, rerecording, registration or reregistration is necessary in any such jurisdiction, except as provided under applicable law with respect to the filing of continuation statements.


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