kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2012年09月23日 11時54分40秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 30
Walking: 30 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I did 30-time push-ups yesterday, down one time from the previous record, and kept over-25-
time push-ups for the eleventh straight day for the first time in a very long time.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 289 days in a row.
It's been raining since last night in Nagoya and I feel a little cold now...maybe I should
have worn one more clothing.
Now I'm planning to go to a store to see a kind of self-hair-cutter or something like this.
...and also to enjoy a glass of iced coffee at Dotole while practicing English reproduction.
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Daily Routine

2012年09月22日 12時03分04秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 31
Walking: 64 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I did 64-minute walking yesterday for the first time in four days and resumed 9-minute-each
standing-with-one-leg after a one day break.
I could increase the number of push-ups by just one time to 31 times, and kept over-25-time
push-ups for the tenth straight day.
I also could keep no-smoking for one year and 288 days in a row.
It's greatly sunny and actually a little too hot while riding my bike on my way to my workplace.
I feel today's highest temperature will be over 30 degrees agaist yesterday's weather forecasts.
I'm looking forward to crisp autumnal weahter and complete cure of Hibun-sho.
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2012年09月21日 18時40分29秒 | 日記


brace for :~に備える、~に構える
vent one's anger :怒りをぶちまける
barbed wire :鉄条網、有刺鉄線
flank 側面に立つ、側面を守る
Salafist Group for Call and Combat :サラフィスト・グループ◆ハッサン・ハタブが率いる勢力。2001年9月11日に米国で起きた同時多発テロ事件の首謀者とされるオサマ・ビン・ラディン氏の率いるアル・カイダのネットワークを構成するテロ組織の一つ。武装イスラム集団の分派で、アルジェリアで最も過激な反政府勢力でもある。◆【略】GSPC
pause :一瞬沈黙する、言葉を切る、ためらう
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Daily Routine

2012年09月21日 12時12分06秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 30
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

I really managed to do 30-time push-ups yesterday, down two times from the previous record,
and kept over-25-time push-ups for the ninth straight day for the first time in a long time.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 287 days in a row.
According to weather forecasts this morning, only Nagoya will experience the highest temperature
of 30 degrees and the others will see under 30 degrees....Unbelievable.
The lint from Hibun-sho just in front of my left field of view is steadily getting smaller
and smaller about two weeks after I got it for the first time.
Honestly I feel pretty relieved and hope that the symptoms will completely disappear as soon
as possible.
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2012年09月20日 13時40分38秒 | 日記


hearty applause :心からの称賛
cadet :士官学校生、士官候補生、幹部候補生
draw in :引き込む、引き付ける、誘引する
provocation :刺激、怒らせること、挑発、怒り、立腹、興奮
presumed :推定される、当然のことと思われている
fuel speculation :憶測を煽る[呼ぶ]
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Daily Routine

2012年09月20日 12時02分58秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 32
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

Although it's so hard for me, I managed to increase the number of push-ups by one time to 32
times, and kept over-25-time push-ups for the eighth straight day.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 286 days in a row.
It's actually sunny and the heat is a little milder than yesterday maybe because the humidity
is less than yesterday....maybe.
The symptoms of Hibun-sho I got twelve days ago are still just in front of me, but actually
I feel it goes for the better.
The symptoms might disappear in several days....or weeks.
I hope so even if it takes much more days.
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2012年09月19日 18時43分33秒 | 日記


spot :(群衆の中などで)目立つ、目に付く
turn away :引き返させる、追い返す、追い払う、断る、解雇する、立ち去る
cut back :切り返す、中止する、中途でやめる、急いで戻る
pretext :口実、もっともらしい理屈、弁解、かこつけ
flotilla :小艦隊、小型船隊、小船隊
boast :(市町村・国・組織・機器などが誇りとして)~を持っている
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Daily Routine

2012年09月19日 12時04分19秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 31
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

Again I managed to try increasing the number of push-ups by just one more time to 31 times,
and kept over-25-time push-ups for the severnth straight day.
I also could keep no-smoking for one year and 285 days in a row.
After heavy rains yesterday, now it's got really sunny in Nagoya and I feel a little crisp.
Actually weather forecasts say the highest temperature will still be over 30 degrees today.
Unbelievably.....today is Sepember 19th.....Finally I have been sure that it's abnormal.
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2012年09月18日 14時57分50秒 | 日記


file a complaint with ~ :~に訴える
duty :関税
uproot from ~ :~を離れて
stand up to :~に勇ましく(恐れずに)立ち向かう、毅然と立ち向かう、対抗する、反抗する
distract from :~からそらす
inaction :何も行動を起こさないこと、休止、不作為
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Daily Routine

2012年09月18日 12時00分20秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 30
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I increased the number of push-ups by one time for five days in a row to 30 times, and kept
over-25-time push-ups for the sixth straight day.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 284 days in a row.
Actually I was caught in a little shower just after I left home to the work place by bike,
but luckily several minutes later it got cloudy, and now still it's quite cloudy and looks
like it's going to start raining pretty soon.
Maybe the highest temperature in Nagoya will below 30 degrees for the first time in a very
very long time, according to weahter forecasts.
Anyway I really hope that autumnal weather will come as soon as possible.
I'm really fed up with over-30-degree summer-like days.
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