kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2012年09月28日 12時12分16秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 32
Walking: 67 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

I really managed to try increasing the number of push-ups by two times to 32 times, and kept
over-30-time push-ups for the fourth straight day.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 294 days in a row.
Three weeks have passed since I got the symptoms of Hibunsho, and they are now much milder
than the beginning of them.
I mean that the size of the lint in front of my left eye is now much smaller and the lightness
of my left field of view is now much brighter.
Anyway weather reports say the highest temperature in Nagoya will be 31 degrees....I really
hope this will be the last over-30-degree day.
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