kuringo's Blog



2019年09月02日 16時20分31秒 | 日記


have a blast :<話>とても楽しい経験をする[時間を過ごす]
counterargument :反論、駁論
cheeriness :上機嫌(な状態)、陽気さ、朗らかさ、快活さ
common-sense approach :常識的(な)アプローチ
the future course of ~ :~の今後の成り行き
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Daily Routine

2019年09月02日 11時22分08秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :35 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :21 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for eight years and
two hundred and sixty-seven days in a row.
I was able to keep over 18-time push-ups for the sixteenth successive day
including the most recent thirteen days of 22-time push-ups.

It is greatly sunny in Nagoya today again and I feel much better because
the black bike which is put in my parking space every Monday was not there
when I got to the workplace in the morning.
Whenever I am able to park my bike without any trouble, I feel better as
everyone else does.
Anyway, I need composure to continue to fight against those callous people.
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