kuringo's Blog



2019年09月01日 16時41分36秒 | 日記


grabble :手探りで捜す、四つんばいになる
take time away from :~から離れて過ごす
verdant :緑色の、青々とした
feel up to it :その気になる、気分が乗る◆通例、否定・条件・疑問の形で。
pleadingly :懇願して[するように]
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Daily Routine

2019年09月01日 11時53分28秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :20 minutes

I have been able to do without smoking for eight years and two hundred
and sixty-six days in a row.
I was able to keep 22-time push-ups for the twelfth straight day and
more than 18-time push-ups for the fifteenth consecutive day.

It is greatly sunny in Nagoya today again and I feel the temperatures
are steadily getting lower and lower, which means this year's autumnal
weather is also steadily drawing nearer and nearer.
Anyway, is the day coming when callous people disappear from the earth?
Is the day coming when those that violate the rights of others disappear
from the earth?
Which means, I'm wondering that the day will never come when there are
no wars on the Earth.
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