kuringo's Blog



2016年01月21日 17時44分49秒 | 日記


colt :雄の子馬、初心者、子馬
life lesson :人生の教訓
toss out a question :質問を投げ掛ける
classy :〈話〉高級な、一流の、しゃれた、気取った
giving :寛大な
ungiving :譲歩しない、頑固な
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Daily Routine

2016年01月21日 13時05分38秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking:a total of 50 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been five years and forty-three days in a row since I quit smoking.
I haven't done push-ups for one week and now I think I should resume them
because the pain in my low back and anus has completely gone.

I took a day off yesterday and went to Nagoya Science Museum to change
the mood since something bad had continued to happen to me since last
November such as bladder inflammation, sore throat, canker sore, constipation,
hemorrhoid and low back pain.
I enjoyed there a science show, experience of a frigid weather of minus 30 degrees,
the process of a tornado formation and huge electric discharge with a thunderous volume.
Well.....actually I'm sure I could change my mood.
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