kuringo's Blog



2016年01月19日 17時23分11秒 | 日記


stoop :腰が曲がっている、猫背である
mess with :~に干渉する、~に盾突く、~にちょっかいを出す
unto :~の方へ
mount :〔望遠鏡などの〕架台、マウント
peeve :苛立ち、怒り、不平、不満、苦情、~を苛立たせる、じらす
dumbfound :あきれさせる、あきれてものも言えなくする、びっくりさせる、あぜんとさせる
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Daily Routine

2016年01月19日 13時00分27秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking:a total of 40 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Five years and forty-one days in a row have passed since I shook off a bad habit of smoking.
I have not done push-ups for five days due maily to the low back pain, which has
almost completely gone.

Still I feel a little fear about defecation or I may have had defecaloesiophobia.
Anyway I have to take measures against constipation for some time.
By the way, I've found some peach blossoms opening on my way to the workplace,
which is much earlier than usual....maybe one month earlier.
Weather officials say it will be the coldest week in this winter season in Nagoya,
so I really have to be careful not to catch a cold and let's survive this coldness.
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