


2014年09月28日 | トーストマスターズ

〇I really enjoed your speech!
The idea and your warm character were so good!
Thank you so much.

〇Three mosquitoes are definately an unique idea!
I have been bitten by a Toastmosquito a little bit.
I wish you the best of luck in completing the marathon within 3 hours!

〇Your speech got grade up since last time at Chiyoda TMC.
Your voice and English are very nice and help understand the speech.
I like "Toast Shimaka". Thanks!

〇Fever and enthusiam are always in your heart.
Your anctions finely tell us that we can cure fever but cannot wipe out your enthusiam in TMC.

〇Your voice, expression and delivery are impressive.
Your story of mosquitoes is finely told and its development fits to your story. Excellent speech!

〇Speech theme was so good even this is second for me to hear.
I can't believe it!

〇You are the king of DAJARE in Chiyoda TMC!!
We have another king in Nihonbashi TMC.
Please come and join our meeting!
We want to see the fight of two kings.

〇It was nice speech! Especially I like the last part!
Speeking faster is your next object I think! (* Thank you for your good advice!)

〇Thank you for your very creative & enjoyable speech!
I am willing to catch disease through "トーストシマスカ”.

〇Great speech by using mosquito disease.
Easy to listen, Easy to follow roll play with.

〇Thank you for your wonderful & humorous speech!


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