


2014年09月28日 | トーストマスターズ
私のスピーチ全文を掲載します。( )内はフリップ。

Three Mosquitoes

Distinguished guests, Contest Chair, fellow Toastmasters, good afternoon.
How are you today? Unfortunately I have a high fever. So I am wearing a cooling headband named ” Netsusashimasuka (熱さまシマスカ=はちまき)” to reduce it.
I don’t think I have a cold but suspect another disease of Empty-wallet Syndrome generally known as Kinketsu-Byo(金欠病).
Because I love to buy lotteries and the ticket I drew last time was the worst one called Binbo-Kuji (貧乏くじ). What an unlucky guy I am!

Another unlucky accident occurred to me one month ago when a rare tropical infectious disease of Dengue Fever was found at the Yoyogi Park for the first time in 70 years in Japan. I was there on the same day for running. What a coincidence! It was also reported that most of the patients were bitten by the infected mosquitoes called Hitosuji-shimaka(ヒトスジシマカ) at the Park. So was I.
Worried about the virus infection to me, I consulted Dr. Naoko Takahashi of the Yoyogi Olympic Clinic the other day. (代々木オリンピック医院 高橋なお子医師)

“As far as I have examined your blood, Mr. Sugiyama, fortunately no Deng Virus has been found.  So you have nothing to worry. ”
“Thank you, Doctor, I am happy to hear it.”
“But, Mr. Sugiyama, I am afraid you may have been bitten by the other mosquito. “
“Really? What kind of mosquito is it?”
“Well. I would say, it must be a kind of Marathon-Shimaka(マラソンシマカ). That may be the cause of your fever.”
“Then, Dr. Takahashi, what is my disease called?”
“It’s quite popular one called Running Fever which I also caught at Sydney in Australia 14 years ago.”

Now I remember it was this kind of mosquito that bit me at Seoul in Korea 12 years ago
I apologize for passing my Running Fever to many people including some of our fellow Toastmasters until now.
However thanks to my dearest mosquito, I can spend a happy retired life with this Fever.

The important thing we should not forget is that mosquitoes are not always harmful to humans.
Let me conclude my speech with presenting a lucky mosquito to you.
It is called Toast-Shimaka(トーストシマカ) and brings Communicating -Fever to you.
Please enjoy being bitten by this mosquito here at this meeting and be happier Toastmasters!
Contest Chair!
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