kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2012年05月24日 11時32分21秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 25
Walking: 65+65 minutes
Standing with one leg :8 minutes each

Again I tried increasing the number of push-ups by just one time to 25 times, and kept over-
20-time push-ups for the fourth straight day.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 166 days in a row.
I resumed a little long-distance walking, totaling 2 hours and 10 minutes yesterday.
After I try extending walking distance without a rest little by little, I'm going to try
a 400-meter-high mountain.
Actually I've decided to stop climbing Mt. Tado in Mie Prefecture, which I've climbed several
times so far, because I'm really afraid of wild monkeys which are easily coming up to people.
Maybe some people must have made take to feeding.....I hate that.
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Daily Routine

2012年05月23日 11時59分43秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 24
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :8 minutes each

I tried increasing the time of standing-with-one-lege by one minute to eight minutes each.
Also agian I did 24-time push-ups, up one time from the previous record, and kept over-20-
time push-ups for the third straight day.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 165 days in a row.
It's greatly sunny today and a little hot, actually.
I'm afraid I've not done walking recently...I have to get used to a long-distance walking
because I'm planning to go and climb a 400-meter-class mountain in the near future.
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2012年05月22日 19時31分51秒 | 日記


awe :畏れさせる
rare treat :めったにない素晴らしいもてなし
blot out :インクで汚す、見えなくする、覆い隠す
ring of fire :金環◆(日食)金環食(annular eclipse)の
lunar eclipse :月食
observatory :屋上展望台、監視室、展望台、気象台、天文台
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Daily Routine

2012年05月22日 11時29分21秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 23
Walking: 38+38 minutes
Standing with one leg :7 minutes each

I tried increasing the number of push-ups by one time to 23 times and kept over-20-time push-ups
for the second straight day.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 164 days in a row.
It's quite cloudy and sometimes a little rainy today.
It must be lucky that yesterday's weather was not like today's weather.
If it had been so, I could not have watched the annular eclipse yesterday.
Anyway since it's after the eclipse, I'll allow it to be heavily rainy today.^^;;;
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Daily Routine

2012年05月21日 11時56分30秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 22
Walking: 45 minutes
Standing with one leg :7 minutes each

I resumed push-ups after a one-day break from 22 times, down one time from the previous record.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 163 days in a row.
Actually I must have been lucky because I enjoyed the annular eclipse this morning at 7:31 although
weather forecasts said it would be cloudy and difficult to see the solar eclipse.
I only enjoyed it for several minutes because the sun went into a cloud just after the shape changed
into a ring, but, anyway, it's very beautiful.
Reports say we will be able to see another annular eclipse in Nagoya in 2041....Well, I really hope
to be still alive then....and I really want to use the solar eclipse glasses again.
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2012年05月20日 17時58分29秒 | 日記


reverse :破棄する、無効にする
cohesive :密接した、結合性のある、粘着性のある、粘着力のある
stakes :利害関係
be committed to ~ :~することを確約する、~を公約している
build on :~を基に事を進める、~を基礎にして前進する、~を踏まえる
initiative :発議(権)、率先、自らの責任ある決断
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Daily Routine

2012年05月20日 11時33分54秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 0
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :7 minutes each

I didn't do push-ups intentionally yesterday simply because I felt a little pain and fatigue
in my breast and I thought it would be better to stop them.
I kept no-smoking for one year and 162 days in a row.
So far I've felt normal since no medicine for my boukou-en got needed according to a doctor.
I hope my condition will continue to be usual.
Anyway tomorrow morning is the time of the first annular eclipse in Nagoya in about 930 years.
I'm really looking forward to it...but it's likely to be cloudy....I have to pray.
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2012年05月19日 20時10分56秒 | 日記


resupply :再び供給する、補給する
scrub :~を延期する、~を中止する、~を無効にする
at the moment of :~の時[瞬間]に、~の拍子に
abort :中止する、中断する、やめる、打ち切る、頓挫する、無駄に終わる、計画が流れる、失敗する、《コ》途中停止する
pre-dawn sky :夜明け前の空
in awe of :~に畏敬の念を抱いて、~を恐れかしこんで、~を恐れて、~を畏れはばかって、~を畏れ敬って、~を畏怖して
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Daily Routine

2012年05月19日 11時44分44秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 23
Walking: 40+15 minutes
Standing with one leg :7 minutes each

Again, I tried increasing the number of push-ups by one time to 23 times, and could keep over-
20-time push-ups for the third straight day.
I also could keep no-smoking for one year and 161 days in a row.
I went to see a doctor for my boukou-en for the third time, and no medicine was prescribed.
The doctor said we'll see how things go for two weeks without medicine, and then I have to
take a urine test on June 1st.
The test I took yesterday showed two+ of occult blood.
I hope there will be nothing bad for these two weeks.
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2012年05月18日 19時37分56秒 | 日記


distinguished :優れた、顕著な、著名な、有名な、抜群の、一流の
in anticipation of :~を楽しみにして、~を期待して、~を見越して、~を見込んで、~を当てにして、~を当て込んで、~を望んで、~を予期して、~を予想して、~より前もって、~より早手回しに
to say the least :控えめに言っても、少なくとも、ごく内輪に言っても、何と言っても
incarcerate :~を投獄する、幽閉する、監禁する、閉じ込める
phenomenal :驚くべき、驚異的な、並外れた、並でない、目を見張るような
trove :収集、(大事なものの)集積、バンク、大事な物を集めている場所、発見されたもの
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