kuringo's Blog



2016年07月27日 15時30分26秒 | 日記


inadvertent :故意でない、不注意な、うっかりした
call in sick :病欠の電話を入れる
take a sick day :病欠を取る
keep track of the expenses :費用を記録する
as compared to :~と比べて、~と比べると、~と比べれば、~と比較すると、~と並べれば
conjure up :〔霊などを〕呪文で呼び出す、〔記憶・イメージ・アイデアなどを〕心に呼び起こす
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Daily Routine

2016年07月27日 13時10分59秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been five years and 231 days in a row since I broke my bad habit of smoking.
I have not done push-ups for the fourth successive day and hope to resume them
as soon as possible before my arms' muscle has been weakened.

However, in order to do so, I have to wait for the low back pain to completely heal.
Actually, still the pain is here though it's getting milder and milder.
Now, I've decided to do jogging-on-the-spot soon after the low back pain has
disappeared as part of taking preventive measures against the pain, because
I've learned from a Website of a doctor that jogging can be an effective
way to prevent low back pain.
Though I made a check item of jogging-on-the-spot about a year ago, I have not
done it .....I really should have done some continuously.....
Anyway, I have to try something new for a better life.....after the pain.
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