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" On Liberalism " by Fr. Laisney SSPX

2017年04月11日 | お説教・霊的講話



Sermon for 8th April 2017 – Saturday before Palm Sunday – on Liberalism

My dear Brethren,

I am reading a book from G.K. Chesterton . Though he wrote it about 90 years ago, it addresses so well today’s problems that I would like to give you some gems from it. He is denouncing the liberalism of his days. And liberalism has only gone worse in our days.

Some people think that liberalism is merely a defence of human liberty – it is not so. Liberalism is the worship of human liberty: it consists in setting human liberty as an absolute, so absolute as to be independent from God, independent from truth, independent from all laws. Thus, it makes of human liberty a supreme being, i.e. a god – a false God, an idol. This is the false god of the modern world. This idol is not new: indeed, the complete refusal of all subjection is the very shout of rebellion of the Devil: “I will not serve” (Jer. 2:20). What Chesterton said of the English reformation perfectly applies to this “modern culture”: “it was the result of the impatient and imperious appetites of humanity, hating … most of all to be restrained by invisible bonds.”

A recent issue of the Time magazine was entitled: “Is Truth dead?”, in red letters over a black background. It echoed an issue 50 years ago of the same magazine entitled “Is God dead?” with the same red letters over the same black background. Both issues are signs of the same idolatry of man and rejection of God. That rejection of God includes the rejection of everything that comes from God. All authority comes from God (see Rom. 13:1), hence modern man rejects all authority. Truth comes from God, Who is the First and supreme Truth, hence modern man rejects truth. Modern man claims the right to believe whatever he wants, or rather to believe nothing at all. Marriage is a divine institution, hence modern man rejects marriage by promoting divorces, and all kinds of “free unions” and sinful lives and even unions against nature. Our very human nature, with the natural distinction of male and female, comes from God, hence modern man rejects this and pretends that each one can choose his own gender, which is the most absurd claim. And the list of what modern man rejects goes on and on: rejection of true art and ugliness invades music, painting, sculpture, etc. Rejection of family, to the greater damage of the children. Rejection of the Kingship of Christ, rejection of His Church and a pretended right to all religions even Satanist sects.

In doing so, modern man destroys his own self. This is evident in two modern evils, that are now claimed to be “rights of men”: abortion and euthanasia, together with the multiplication of suicide. Truly “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Sin is death in the soul and leads to death in the body. And as if the facts of abortion and euthanasia were not bad enough, modern man claims a “right” to such abominable sins, a right to disobey God! There is no right against God; God is the supreme Rule of all goodness.

Even without going so far, these modern errors lead to the destruction of the most important human faculty: the mind. Indeed, what makes the superiority of the human race over all other animals is that it is endowed with a spiritual mind, with intelligence and free-will, capable to know and love God. Now the very object of the intelligence is the truth: if there is no truth, there is no intelligence! Man is no longer ruled by his intelligence, by his reason, but by his passions: he becomes the slave of his blind passions, as can be seen so often today.

The destruction of intelligence is visible in the scepticism of many: they think man’s intelligence is – by principle – incapable to find the objective truth about God, and also about man. That scepticism is a grave disease of the mind, it is a despair of the intelligence, which gives up all hope of finding God. By claiming that any religious is fine, each one should have the freedom to choose his own religion as he pleases, this is implicitly the rejection of any ability to know the objective truth about God. Such religious freedom is intrinsically sceptical, and is quite common today.

One characteristic of modern society is the development of modern technology in the service of the body, comfort, leisure and pleasures: now this is to put the mind in the service of the flesh. This is upside down, the complete overturn of proper order within man. Our body should be in the service of the soul, and not the contrary. The soul should rule over the body – which does include providing for the needs of the body in a measured way, with reasonable measure. But it is not right, not reasonable to make of the body the goal of the soul.

Modern liberalism is mostly visible in the moral domain: it is the complete rejection of any moral norm that would come from God. It claims as a human right the ability to do whatever one wants – with no other restriction than a certain vague respect for other humans. I say “vague” because they do not hesitate even to kill those that they get in their way, such as by abortion. And if one can kill an innocent baby, there is no limit to which crime he will not go.

Now our Lord Jesus Christ came to save us from sin. And in a very simple way, in this Passion time when we contemplate the Passion of our Lord, we see precisely that our Lord SACRIFICES HIS BODY in order to save our souls! He could not more vividly be the remedy to our modern evils. To make reparation for our refusal of submission to God, He completely renounced Himself, “He emptied Himself” as St Paul says (Phil. 2:7), and he continues: “He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross” (Phil. 2:8). This is the opposite of modern sins, it is the remedy for our modern man.

But one would say: was it necessary to suffer, especially so far as to suffer the Cross, in order to save us? In a certain way, it is true that one can serve God without sufferings: this is what happened to all the Holy Angels. They never sinned and they never suffered; they offered themselves wholeheartedly to God from the very beginning of their creation; as St Paul says, when God announced to them that the Son of God would become man, He commanded all the angels to adore Him (Heb. 1:6) and all the good angels willingly, with a wonderful devotion and promptitude, offered themselves in the service of Christ, and for such perfect devotion they were immediately rewarded and went to Heaven, without passing through sufferings. The bad angels on the contrary rebelled with so complete wickedness and stubbornness that they deserved to be immediately condemned to Hell fire for ever.

But man had sinned; from the beginning of mankind there has been a revolt of mankind against God. And because of sin, there is need of reparation, there is need of Sacrifice. Only someone who would have no sin at all could claim that he should not suffer. But there is only one who is absolutely sinless, our Lord Jesus Christ: and He came precisely to make reparation for our sins; His Holy Mother was given the privilege of the Immaculate Conception and by the grace of God she perfectly cooperated with that initial grace and thus she also has no sin. But she too understood that she, as the New Eve, should be a helper to the New Adam (see Gen. 2:18) in the very mystery of Redemption and thus shared in the Cross of Christ. But none of us is perfectly innocent: hence we have to bear our cross to make reparation for our sins.

Moreover, if the Saviour Himself carried the Cross and died on it for us, how could we be so heartless and not want to participate in His Sacrifice? We should say to Him: “I should be the one to carry that cross, because it is for my sins that You took it; I should be nailed to that cross in your stead, because I am the sinner”. “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Lk. 9:23). This is the Royal Way of the Cross, that leads to Heaven as St Paul says: “we are sons of God, and if sons, heirs also; heirs indeed of God, and joint heirs with Christ: yet so, if we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified with him” (Rom. 8:17).

Now the Passion provides the true remedy for our modern ills. Modern man wanted to be free, and became the slave of sin: “Know you not, that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are whom you obey, whether it be of sin unto death, or of obedience unto justice” (Rom. 6:16). On the contrary, it is by obedience to God, by submission to His Law, that we become truly free, free from sin, free to do good – not free from God and free to do evil.

A simple comparison will help to understand that. Look at the planes: they are free to fly wherever the pilot wants because they obey the laws of aerodynamics; if they were not obeying the laws of aerodynamics, they would simply crash! It is obedience to the laws that God has set to nature that gives that freedom to the planes. Similarly a computer programmer is free to program somehow what he wants so long as he obeys the laws of programming, which are ultimately the laws of electricity set by God; if he does not obey them, then there are bugs and his program crashes. Obedience to the Laws of God give true freedom; disobedience leads to crashes!

St Augustine tells us: we should not fool ourselves. It is impossible to escape from the Laws of God. Either we do what the Law commands and we shall be rewarded in accordance with the Law of God, or we do not what the Law commands and we shall be punished, still in accordance with the Law of God. We cannot escape! We cannot escape because God is the Almighty Creator and we are little creatures. We cannot escape because God is good and He will not let evil have the last word.

We need to be convinced that it is good for us to be obedient to God; God does not command something for His own aggrandisement: He is already supreme and there is nothing we could give Him that He would not already have. God commands us that which is good for us: it is good for us to live for the Glory of God; it is in God alone that we can find our eternal happiness. St Augustine beautifully says: “Thou hast made us for Thee, o Lord, and our heart is restless until it can rest in Thee!” He is the Supreme Truth, the contemplation of which shall fully delight our intelligence; He is the Supreme Love, the fire of which shall fully delight our Will, as St Paul says: “our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. 12:29, see Deut. 4:24). So, it is really good for us to be obedient to God, and it is a drama – really evil – for us to depart from God. We return to God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“In the beginning was the Word… in Him was life and the life was the light of men… I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (Jn. 1:1,4 8:12) As St Augustine explains, our Lord Jesus Christ is not physical light, but rather spiritual light, i.e. the truth illuminating our intelligence. “In His light we shall see the Light” (Ps. 35:10): our mind will be filled with the light of God, and we shall see God face to face as St John says (1 Jn. 3:2). Thus our Lord Jesus Christ is the remedy to all scepticism; He gives us the true knowledge of the God the Father, with certitude: “All things are delivered to me by my Father. And no one knoweth the Son, but the Father: neither doth any one know the Father, but the Son, and he to whom it shall please the Son to reveal him” (Mt. 11:27).

In this world, our Lord Jesus Christ is the light put on the candlestick of the Cross: “no man lighting a candle covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it upon a candlestick, that they who come in may see the light” (Lk. 8:16). There, we see the evil of sin, which cost so much to the Son of God; there, we see the holiness of God, who was so offended by sin that there was need of such deep reparation; there, we see the mercy of God, who delivered the Son to redeem the slave; there, we see the love of our Lord Jesus Christ for us, who took upon Himself the penalty of our sins; there, we are healed from the love of pleasures, riches and self-will; there, we are freed from the slavery of sin and become children of God.

There is indeed a mystery in all this; we do not understand it. The Cross seems a folly to us. Yet, as St Paul says: “For both the Jews require signs, and the Greeks seek after wisdom. But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews indeed a stumblingblock, and unto the Gentiles foolishness. But unto them that are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men” (1 Cor. 1:22-25).

My dear brethren, in this Holy Week, let us ask the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to be truly the light of our mind, of our whole life, so that we may walk in His path, the Way of the Cross, which is the Royal Way to Heaven, together with our Lady and all the Saints! Amen.

「リベラリズムについて」:聖ピオ十世会司祭 レネー神父様

2017年04月11日 | お説教・霊的講話

レネー神父様の霊的講話 「リベラリズムについて」(日本語訳)をご紹介いたします。


2017年4月9日 枝の主日―大阪 公教要理



リベラリズム(自由主義)は単に人間の自由を擁護しているだけだと考えている人々がいますが、そうではありません。リベラリズムとは、人間の自由を崇拝することなのです。リベラリズムとは、人間の自由を絶対的なものとすることであり、天主に依存せず、真理に依存せず、あらゆる法に依存しないほど人間の自由を絶対的なものとすることなのです。こうしてリベラリズムは、人間の自由を最高の存在、すなわち神とするのですが、それは偽りの天主、偶像です。これが、現代世界の偽りの神なのです。この偶像は新しいものではありません。実際、服従をすべて完全に拒否することは、「私はお仕えしない」(エレミア2章20節)という悪魔の反乱の叫びそのものです。チェスタトンが英国の宗教改革について述べたことは、この「現代の文化」に完全に当てはまります。「それは、人間の短気で横柄な欲求の帰結だったのであり、…とりわけ目に見えないかせによって束縛されることを…嫌ったのである」(The Thing)。

雑誌タイムの最近の号は、黒い背景に赤い文字の「Is Truth dead?[真理(真実)は死んだのか?]」というタイトルでした。それは、同じ雑誌の五十年前の号の、やはり同じ黒い背景に同じ赤い文字で書かれたタイトル「Is God dead?[天主は死んだのか?]」を彷彿とさせるものでした。どちらの号も、同じように、人間に対する偶像崇拝と天主の拒否の象徴なのです。この天主を拒否することの中には、天主から来るあらゆるものを拒否することも含まれています。あらゆる権威は天主から来る(ローマ13章1節参照)のであり、それゆえに現代人はあらゆる権威を拒否しているのです。真理とは、第一原因にして最高の真理である天主から来るのであり、それゆえに現代人は真理を拒否しているのです。現代人は、何であれ自分が信じたいことを信じる、あるいはむしろ全く何も信じない権利を主張します。結婚は天主によって制定されたものですから、それゆえに現代人は、離婚を促進させることによって、そしてあらゆる種類の「自由な結合」と罪深い生活、さらには自然に反する結合さえも促進させることによって、結婚を拒否しています。男と女という自然の区別を持つ私たちの人間の性質そのものは天主から来ていますから、それゆえに現代人はこれを拒否し、一人一人誰でも自分の性別を選ぶことができると言い張っていますが、これは最もばかげた主張です。そして、現代人が拒否していることのリストは延々と続きます。まことの芸術の拒否と、醜さの音楽、絵画、彫刻などへの侵入。家族の拒否と、拡大する子どもたちへの被害。キリストの王権の拒否、キリストの教会の拒否と、悪魔崇拝者のセクトさえも含むあらゆる宗教に権利があるとの主張、といったことです。

そんなことをすることによって、現代人は自分自身を破壊しているのです。このことは、「人間の権利」だという主張がなされている二つの現代の悪において明らかです。それらは妊娠中絶と安楽死であり、それと同時に自殺の増加があります。まことに「罪の払う報酬は死」(ローマ6章23節)なのです。罪は霊魂の死であり、体の死へと至ります。そして、まるで妊娠中絶と安楽死という事実がそれほど悪いものでないかのように、現代人はそのような忌まわしい罪を犯す「権利」、天主に背く権利を主張しているのです! 天主に背く権利などありはしません。天主はすべての善の最高の規範なのですから。

そこまで行くことはなくても、これらの現代の誤謬は、最も重要な人間の能力、すなわち精神の破壊へと至ります。実際、人類が他のすべての動物に優越しているのは、知性と自由意志を持ち、天主を知って天主を愛することのできる霊的な精神を与えられているからです。さて、知性が対象とするもの自体は真理です。もし真理がないならば、知性もないのです! 人間はもはや自分の知性にも理性にも支配されず、情欲に支配されます。人間は、こんにち非常に頻繁に見られるように、盲目的な情欲の奴隷になるのです。




さて、私たちの主イエズス・キリストは私たちを罪から救うために来られました。そして非常に分かりやすい方法で、私たちが主の御受難を観想するこの御受難節において、私たちは主が私たちの霊魂を救うために御自分の体を犠牲としてお捧げになるという、まさにそのことを見るのです! 現代の私たちの悪に対して、主の犠牲以上に鮮烈な治療薬があるでしょうか。私たちの天主への服従の拒否を償うために、主はご自分を完全に捨て、聖パウロが言うように「自分自身を無とされた」(フィリッピ2章7節)のであり、そして聖パウロはこう続けます。「死ぬまで、十字架上に死ぬまで、自分を卑しくして従われた」(フィリッピ2章8節)。これは現代の罪の対極にあるものであり、これが私たち現代人への治療薬なのです。

しかし、人は言うかもしれません。私たちを救うために主がお苦しみになることは必要だったのだろうか、特に十字架の苦しみまでをも受けることが? ある意味では、苦しむことなく天主にお仕えすることができるというのは本当です。このことはすべての聖なる天使たちに起こったことです。天使たちは決して罪を犯さず、苦しむこともありませんでした。天使たちは自分たちが創造されたまさにそのときから、心を込めて天主に自分自身を捧げました。聖パウロが言うように、天主の御子が人間になることを天主が天使たちに告知なさったとき、天主はすべての天使たちに彼を礼拝するようにお命じになり(ヘブライ1章6節)、すべての良き天使たちは驚くべき信心と速さで、進んで自分自身をキリストへの奉仕に捧げました。そしてその完全な信心に対して、その天使たちにはたちまち報いが与えられ、苦しみを通ることなく天国へ行ったのです。その反対に、悪しき天使たちは、あまりにも完璧な悪と頑固さをもって反逆したため、たちまち永遠の地獄の火という有罪宣告を受けるにふさわしい者となったのです。


さらに、救い主ご自身が十字架を担い、私たちのためにその十字架の上で亡くなられたのですから、私たちは主の犠牲に加わりたくないなどというほど薄情になることができるでしょうか? 私たちは主にこう言うべきです。「私がその十字架を担うべきです。あなたがそれを担われたのは、私の罪のせいだからです。私があなたの代わりにその十字架に釘付けられるべきです。私が罪びとなのですから」。「私のあとに従おうと思うなら、自分を捨て、日々自分の十字架を背負って従え」(ルカ9章23節)。これが、聖パウロが言うように、天国へと至る十字架の王道です。「私たちが天主の子である。私たちが子であるのなら世継ぎでもある。キリストとともに光栄を受けるために、その苦しみをともに受けるなら、私たちは天主の世継ぎであって、キリストとともに世継ぎである」(ローマ8章17節)。


簡単な例え話をすれば、それを理解する助けになるでしょう。飛行機を見てみましょう。飛行機はパイロットが望むところならどこへでも飛んでいく自由がありますが、その理由は飛行機が空気力学の法則に従うからです。もし飛行機が空気力学の法則に従わなかったとしたら、飛行機はただ破滅にいたるだけです! これは、飛行機にその自由を与える自然に対して天主が定められた法則に従うからです。同様に、コンピュータのプログラマーは、自分が望むものをそのようにプログラムする自由がありますが、それはプログラミングの法則に従っている限りにおいてであって、その法則は究極的には天主の定められた電気の法則なのです。プログラマーがその法則に従わなかったとしたら、バグがあって彼のプログラムは破滅に至ります。天主の法(法則)に従うことによってまことの自由が与えられ、従わないと破滅へと至るのです。

聖アウグスティノは、次のように私たちに教えてくれます。私たちは自分自身をごまかしてはなりません。天主の法から逃れることは不可能です。私たちは法の命じることを行って、天主の法に従って報いを受けることになるか、あるいは、法の命じることを行わず、やはり天主の法に従って罰を受けることになるかのどちらかです。私たちは逃れることができません! 天主は全能の創造主であって、われわれはちっぽけな被造物に過ぎないがゆえに、私たちは天主から逃れることができません。天主が善であって、悪に対して最終決定権をお与えにならないがゆえに、私たちは天主から逃れることができません。




親愛なる兄弟の皆さん、この聖週間に、私たちの主イエズス・キリストがまことに私たちの精神の光、私たちの生活全体の光でいてくださるよう主の恩寵を願いましょう。そうすることで、私たちが聖母と諸聖人と共に、天国へ至る王道である主の道、すなわち十字架の道を歩むことができますように! アーメン。

