Blog of SAKATE



2011-10-31 | Weblog
フランス放射線防護原子力安全研究所(IRSN)によると、東京電力福島第1原発事故で海洋に流出した放射性物質セシウム137の総量は約2・7京ベクレル。東電発表値の30倍近くに相当する計算。というニュースが一応は流れているが、あまりみんな本気で取り合っていないみたいだ。サカナを食べないのか、みんな? ……世論は過去形モードなのか。東電の幹部にボーナスは出すなよ、本気で! ……TPP問題では一週間前取り上げた中野剛志京大准教授がテレビに出まくっているという。コトのばかばかしさを皆が知ることになってよかったが、問題が明解になったTPP問題は一種の「はけ口」のようになって、やはり目の前の放射能汚染拡大の事実をかすませる役割を果たしているようにも思えてしまう。
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2011-10-30 | Weblog

This “ Q and A ” works well?

I am researching radioactivity with my assistants to find out how many things this country have to settle down and what measures are taken.
We can read the data before the accident on the government website, but it is difficult to know how much nuclear waste is after the accident and how to handle it, the amount of contaminated water and where to dispose and how to manage it. How huge the amount of contaminated soil after its decontamination would be? How much is the burned ash? I was at a loss how to look for the concrete data of the amount of nuclear waste and processing methods after the accident. Where can we find them? This is such a terrible matter. We thought there would be definitely someone who are always trying to calculate the total amount.
Then we found out “Q and A followed by the nuclear accident at Fukusima” by Radiation Research Society. “We are the group of researchers gathered voluntarily, in order to research how the radiation affects living things. Not only the people living in Fukushima, but also all the Japanese people are worried about invisible danger. Watching the TV broadcast, we realize that people have a tremendous anxiety toward the influence of radiation on human health. We set up this Q and A page on our website, hoping that we can lessen people’s anxiety by answering your questions as experts of radiation influence on human health, providing our knowledge and interpretation based on the fact obtained from actual experiments. The members of our group make appropriate explanations and we are going to answer your questions directly by uploading some of them on website. We hope this will help you. ”
I asked him a question right away. Prof. Masami Watanabe (Department of research for radiation biological science, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute) answered me back immediately.
“At this moment, no assumption of the total amount or no common answer are found out yet. Also, there is no answer for what kind of measure to handle nuclear waste is available and how much waste we have to deal with in total yet. I know that a pilot experiment for a processing measure has started recently, but I myself can’t answer your question properly yet.”
Mr. Watanabe, your answer didn’t lessen my anxiety, but thank you for your honest comments on my question.
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2011-10-29 | Weblog
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2011-10-29 | Weblog
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2011-10-27 | Weblog
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2011-10-26 | Weblog
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2011-10-25 | Weblog
京都大学の中野剛志准教授がテレビで十分間、TPP参加がいかに愚かでいけないことかを語り、政府をこてんぱんにやっつけているのを、Youtubeで見る(中野剛志 視点・論点 NHK「TPP参加の是非」)。「TPP亡国論」「自由貿易の罠」といった著書があるというだけあって、説得力抜群。時々憤りを滲ませつつ(この人の地であろう)、必要なことをきっちり順を追って、よどみなく押しきる語り口が、面白い。「世界中が参加するわけではない」という説明を、どの順で繰り返すのが効果的かの構成、何よりぴったり十分にまとめているのがすごい。早朝四時二十分から十分の番組だったというのが、もったいない。
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2011-10-25 | Weblog
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2011-10-24 | Weblog

Where is “the final disposal site for nuclear waste”?

I went to observe Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, in Gifu prefecture. It is regarded be the place to “research” “the final disposal site for nuclear waste”.
The depth of it will be 1000 meters in the near future, this time, I went to 300 meters deep under the ground using a construction lift with a capacity of 10 people. I went into a cave, which was made temporary. It was dark inorganically, with a fluorescent light. Finland movie, “The security after hundred and thousand years later” is recalled. Such a quiet corridor…It is natural, though. From the cave, I can see what’s going on 200 meters under that. It might be horrible for acrophobic and claustrophobic.
In Japan, a deep disposal ground is needed for 40 thousand nuclear wastes, which will be solidified into metal container or clay.
We have to start placing them from 2030s…
Thirty times as much nuclear fallout as an atomic bomb of Hiroshima type is contained in one vitrified waste. It has a high temperature, so it will take tens of thousands of years to cool it down. And hundred and thousand years later, its radiation levels become the same as uranium ore….
This laboratory is owned by the city and is going to be borrowed for twenty years from now. It will be returned after the research by being reburied. But if the city wants to continue to use the land after the research, seeking for grants, it will be considered how to be reused again. Then this place will be “the final disposal site” really.
They are repeating their research of the geological layer by digging the hole using rock drills and crushing the rocks by dynamites. I don’t know how many more meters they have to dig until there will be no water in it, but the ground water is overflowing from the gaps on the ground. It is very difficult to discharge water. When the container of “nuclear waste” is corroded and the inside of it is leaked out, contaminated water will definitely be above the ground. There will be nothing we can do if a big earthquake happens at Tokai areas….
I can’t finish describing what I felt, but I will show it in my theatre work.
I had a very valuable experience, given an explanation before and after the observation, by Mrs H .K, who has protested for more than 15 years on the spot.
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2011-10-22 | Weblog
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2011-10-21 | Weblog
郭宝崑(クォ・パオクン)作『霊戯(The Spirits Play)』がいよいよ佐藤信演出により上演される(鴎座 11月17-20日 d-倉庫)。パオクンさんは言わずとしれたシンガポールを代表する劇作家で、かの地で演劇学校を創始し、sub-stationという演劇施設も設けた(ビール会社の支援を受けたらしいその名もTheater Guinessという劇場がある!)。政治活動への締め付けで四年間投獄された体験を持ち、中国語と英語の両方でテキストを書くことでも知られている。日本での上演で知られているのは『棺桶が大きすぎる』『宦官』など。私が初めてきちんとお話できたのは1997年頃、佐藤信さんや小池博史さんと国際交流基金(Japan Foundation)によるアジア視察でシンガポールに寄った時だったか、私が事務局の仕事をした世田谷パブリックシアターでの「アジア演出家セミナー(日本演出者協会共催)」の時だったか。ともあれシンガポールでこの戯曲の舞台となる日本兵墓地を案内していただき、演出プランも湧いてきて、この劇の日本初演の演出を申しこんだ。パオクンさんは快諾してくれて、その後、私の稽古場である梅ヶ丘BOXを訪問してくださり、相談もした。しかし、日本で最もパオクンさんと親しかった佐藤信さんが本作を演出したいという意向があり、お譲りしたのである。その後、森下スタジオでのオン・ケンセンや羊屋白玉ら複数の演出家による本作の試演シリーズがあり、ちょっと臍を曲げかけたりもしたのだが、ようやく佐藤信演出による本格的な日本でのお披露目となる。その森下スタジオ上演が入院前の岸田理生さんとお話した最後の場となったこと、01年、パオクンさんも関わった<ランドマイン・プロジェクト>合宿のための斎藤憐さん、志磨真実さんとのシンガポール訪問が、パオクンさんとのお別れになったことなど、いろいろに思い出す。あれから十余年、死者たちの会話で構成されるこの劇が、あらためて私たちを繋いでいるように思えてならない。

The Spirits Play

“The Spirits Play” written by Kuo Pao Kun(郭宝崑) and directed by Makoto Sato will be performed soon at Kamome-za @d-souko(store house) from 17th Nov to 20th Nov. Needless to say, Kuo Pao Kun was the best playwright in Singapore and established the theatre school in that place and founded an arts centre(there is a theatre named Theatre Guiness, which is supported by Beer company inside!).This playwright had been in prison for four years due to the restriction of political activity. He is also known that he writes scripts both in Chinese and English. His plays, “The Coffin is too Big for the Hole” and “Eunuch” are performed in Japan as well. I first met him and had a talk around 1997, when I went to Singapore as a part of observing Asia(by Japan Foundation) or maybe at “Asia directors seminar (co-hosted with Japan directors association) ”, when I worked as an organizer. By the way, he showed me Japanese soldiers’ burial ground, where this play is set. I could get some ideas for direction and asked him to direct the Japan premier of this play. He allowed me to do so willingly. Later he visited our atelier, Umegaoka Box and gave me some advices. However, Makoto Sato, who was the closest acquintance of Kuo Pao Kun had a willingness to direct this play, so I handed it over to him. After that, there was a series of pre-performance of this play, directed not by him, but by many directors, like Ong Keng Sen and Shirotama Hitsujiya. I lost heart a bit in a sense, but at last, the formal performance directed by Makoto Sato will be staged in Japan for the first time. I remembered that the Morishita studio was the last place where I had a conversation with Rio Kishida, who went to hospital before her death. I recalled many things like my visit to Singapore in 2001 with Ren Saito and Mami Shima for the camp of “Landmine Project” became the time to say goodbye to Kuo Pao Kun. Ten years have passed since then…I can’t help considering that this play, which is consisted of the dialogs of the dead, connect us again.
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2011-10-21 | Weblog
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2011-10-20 | Weblog

Value each day

We are doing something that we don’t usually do for our rehearsal. What we need is not just to prepare for drama, but to live getting involved in drama. Even though not all the people will understand that, I won’t do something unnecessary for a rehearsal…In the evening, I felt a surprising new twist coming along…How can the wrongheaded policymakers of this country let evacuees go back to their radiation-contaminated home, telling a lie that the nuclear reactors are now in the state of cold shutdown?

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2011-10-18 | Weblog
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2011-10-17 | Weblog

Can writers write literature anywhere?

I heard that Hitomi Kanahara, a young Japanese writer, has evacuated from Tokyo to Okayama on her own judgement in order to protect her children from radiation damage caused by Fukushima nuclear plants. Because her grandmother lived in Okayama.
I'm surprised her energy since she moved to Okayama on March 12th, the day just after the happening of the earthquake.

I remembered my mother is from Tsuyamat(in the north of Okayama) and her family name is "Kanahara".

By the way, my son is in the third grade of high school right now. I wonder how many students in Kanto area will take entrance exams for universities located except in Tokyo, for the purpose of escaping from radiation.

...Needless to say the model of the "younger sister" who appears in "DA-RU-MA-SA-N-GA-KO-RO-N-DA", which was first performed seven years ago, is Hitomi Kanahara and Risa Wataya.

...Talking about the literary award, "Mita literature for best new writer" of 2011 was announced, which I served as a judge. I'm sorry to say, but there was no recipient for the playmright award, but "Space Miso soup" written by Aiko Kiyonaka, whom I strongly recommended in a poem division won "the incentive award of Yoji Sakate". The judges agreed upon it rapidly. She wrote about the illusion happing in a kitchen. These are the words, which I want to put on a stage. I'm planning a little event for the prize-giving ceremony.
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